Midjourney Tips For Creating Stunning Portrait Images

Unleash Your Creativity and Discover Your Signature Style

Seven Sky Writes
3 min readAug 10, 2023
AI-Generated Image

Creating photorealistic portraits with AI has never been easier since Midjourney upgraded to Version 5. The text-to-image generation is incredibly powerful and fun to play around with once you learn some strategies. Here are all my best tips for nailing stunning portrait results every time.

1- Start by Having a Clear Vision

Before typing any prompts, take a few minutes to envision exactly what you want your portrait to look like. Think about characteristics of the subject like hair color, facial features, and accessories. Consider the mood — Happy? Moody? Dramatic? What about the background — indoors, outdoors, colors, textures? Picturing these details will help Midjourney understand your vision.

2- Reference Photos are Key

It can be tough to describe faces and features with words alone. That’s where reference photos come in handy. Use the new img2img feature to turn any photo into a prompt. I’ll take a photo of my friend Sarah and generate portraits that capture her facial structure and smile. You can also combine img2img with keywords like “but with red hair” to tweak the image.

3- Must-Have Keywords

Some go-to words that always yield stunning results are “portrait”, “photo-realistic”, and “high quality”. Others like “vibrant colors”, “cinematic lighting”, and “creative composition” lead to the artwork that really pops. I also love “expressive emotions”, “soft focus”, and “romantic mood” for dramatic looks. Play around until you discover your favorite combinations.

4- Get Creative Too!

Don’t be afraid to step outside the box with keywords like “abstract”, “surreal”, “fantasy”, or “dystopian”. I combined “elven portrait” with “ethereal glow” for a magical fairy portrait. Or try prompts centered around cultural identities, occupations, or historical periods for imaginative takes. Midjourney excels at interpretive, one-of-a-kind portraits when you unlock your creative side.

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5- Keep Experimenting!

The best way to unlock Midjourney’s full potential is to just have fun trying new things. Generate 10 portraits with varying keywords to see how the images change. Try generating the same person in different poses, outfits, or eras. Over time you’ll learn so many techniques for wowing people with your portrait skills. I hope these tips inspire you to find your signature portrait style!

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