What is Discord Hypesquad?

Discord Support Server
2 min readJul 12, 2020

Yup, I can already imagine it… You’re bored, so you’re scrolling through the settings to see if there’s anything interesting. Then, you find a text that says “Hypesquad”. “What is that?” you wonder.

Hypesquad is an exclusive Discord group for people that are extra enthusiastic about the 250 million user application. You take a little “test to see how hype you are” Discord says. Take note, not everybody that applies gets in. So, if you don’t make it, unfortunately for you, it’s the end of the line.

But, if and when you make it, you’ll get access to a lot of exclusive Discord swag, such as:

  • A Discord Hypesquad T-Shirt
  • Discord pins & badges
  • Special even & convention access
  • A “Super-Secret Server”
  • Hypesquad profile badge
A picture with my Hypesquad badge. On the left is my Hypesquad houses badge. I am currently in Balance. The one on the right is Hypesquad Events.

Hypesquad Houses vs. Hypesquad Events

The two badges on the picture above are both Hypesquad. But there is a huge difference.

Hypesquad Houses

There are 3 houses to Hypesquad. Brilliance, Bravery, and Balance. Each are practically the same, except a different color and shaped badge.

Hypesquad Events

Hypesquad events is the real deal. You can get some real awesome goodies and swag. Access to conventions, a secret server, and more, yes, that is all events.

The Main Difference

The biggest difference between the two is the requirements and how many people get in. Everybody that applies for a Hypesquad house in their user settings will be randomly picked for one of the houses.

Hypesquad Events, on the other hand, you have to be the top hype of the users to be accepted into the program.

We Would Like to Thank You

Thank you for reading, and see you in a few days for another Discord article.



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