A Time for Choosing in the 117th

Dave Severin
2 min readJul 13, 2016

A couple of weeks ago, the General Assembly passed a spending plan that fully funds our schools for an entire year and funds state government through January. This development is a positive step, but legislators shouldn’t be so quick to pat themselves on the back. Reforms are desperately needed, and so far, the majority party has refused to consider any before the November election.

This election is now a time for choosing between two different paths for Southern Illinois. We can either continue the status quo of debt, deficits, higher taxes, and less jobs that has plagued our state for too long or we could choose a different path. I’m offering something different. What if we attracted people to move here? What if businesses invested and created jobs in Southern Illinois again? If we change nothing — nothing will change. I will fight for term limits, balanced budgets, low taxes, and job creating reforms. We can do better.

The people of Southern Illinois deserve an honest and frank discussion about the choices before them. Instead, my opponent has probably already produced the attack ads and negative mailers that will surely attempt to tie me to the Governor. Here are the facts: I’ve never met the man — I’ve never spoken to him. When considering running to serve the people of Southern Illinois, our family’s prayers never included asking for permission from Mr. Rauner.

After 13 years of Representative John Bradley’s reign, we know which path he has chosen. In 2011, when Madigan asked him to vote for the largest tax increase in state history — a 67% hike — Bradley went along. In 2013, when Madigan asked him to vote for the unconstitutional teacher and state worker pension theft bill, Bradley went along. When Madigan asked for his support in cutting school funding four out of the last 10 years, Bradley went along. This past May, Madigan asked him to vote for a budget unbalanced by $7 billion and Bradley approved. John Bradley has made his choice — and now it’s time we made ours.

Dave Severin is the Republican candidate for State Representative in the 117th District. Learn more at DaveSeverin.com.

