BSAB: Acting on Your Fantasies

Coach Lex
4 min readApr 26, 2019

Why Is It Bad?

This week I’m breaking my usual format a little to tell the story of a good friend of mine.

I received several different versions of this statement submitted to me.

“The type of porn you watch is indicative of what you really want.”

“You should always act on your fantasies”

“Your sex dreams/fantasies are indicative of what you really want.”

Maybe I never thought of things this way because some of my earliest exposure was Japanese tentacle porn. Or maybe I was just never told this, but my friends were, and it did affect them.

I had a dear friend, let’s call him Jack. At one point in his early twenties, Jack found himself scrolling through Tumblr for a little self-pleasuring (back when Tumblr still did what it did best). For context, this is someone who identified as straight and grew up very religious. Yet all of a sudden, he found himself enjoying some very gay imagery. [That is something that would randomly pop up while scrolling during the golden age of Tumblr.] And it threw him for a tailspin. Someone who had never been with a woman but always knew he was straight was enjoying something that did not fit into his narrative of what it meant to be straight. To make matters worse there were only a couple of people…

