10 Most Important Myths And Misconceptions Busted About HIV/AIDS

Jennifer Wilson
3 min readJan 12, 2017


Many ancient illusions and Misconceptions are enclosing HIV and AIDS. According to some people in the world, both HIV and AIDS diseases are carbon copy of each other but this is not the case. The imaginations related to the transmission and treatment of this disease are also great in numbers. Today, in this blog post we are going to discuss the most important misconceptions about this disease with you.

1. Both HIV and AIDS are same: This is not true at all, both are quite different. When someone is infected with HIV virus in their body, then this is the earliest stage of Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. AIDS is the later stage of this HIV virus. During the last stage, the immune system of a body gets totally failed

2. HIV disseminate through insect bite: This is again an important myth about the HIV/AIDS. The insect does not inject the blood of other person into your body, so this is not the medium of transmission.

3. Sharing food and clothes spread AIDS: You can safely share clothes, washroom and toilet with the virus infected person. This disease is not transferable through air and water. The HIV virus doesn’t even transmit through touching, sneezing and spitting.

4. Kissing and physical contact is not secure: If you are kissing an HIV infected person, then it is totally safe but if you are having unprotected sex with multiple partners, then it may increase the risk of getting HIV virus from your partner. Safe sex should be preferred. You can’t get infected with HIV virus through urine, sweat and feaces.

5. Masturbation and oral sex is not protected: Oral sex is not at all unsafe for partners because the HIV virus stays inside the body only but not outside it. So you can do oral sex without any hesitation. Masturbation is also free from harm. If you want to use sexual devices, then you must use condom every time.

6. Sex with infected person: If you are having sex with partner, who is HIV positive, then the chances are there that you may get this infection but this is not true for all times. Here we want to mention you that if proper protection is taken, then it is safe to proceed. Proceed here means you can have sex without any worry. Latex condoms are practically effective in preventing the transmitted diseases like HIV and herpes.

7. This disease only effect LGBT community: This myth is totally wrong. Despite of the fact that the number of victims from gay community are more but an HIV virus can effect anyone irrespective of sex whether it is a heterosexual or homosexual. If someone is sharing a same needle for injection and using a same condom repeatedly, then he may be at the risk of getting this disease.

8. Both partners are having HIV, no need of protection: If you are infected with this deadly disease, then also you must take protection while having sex with your partner. Though the antiretroviral drugs lessens the effectiveness of virus but that doesn’t completely safeguard you. The viral infections can therefore easily transferred from person to person if having unprotected sex.

9. Mother infected with HIV always transfer virus to infant: The recent researches and technology has made it possible that you can stop this transmission from infecting the fetus of mother, who is going to be pregnant soon. If a mother takes drug and suppress the viral, then the chances of transmission are rare. According to the research and studies from world level disease prevention centers, the pregnancy in women doesn’t stimulate spreading of virus.

10. AIDS is end of life: Earlier, this myth was correct due to high mortality rate with this deadly disease but with the technology advancement and research in this field, this disease can be now treated and diagnosed with special medication and care.

