Sexually Transmitted Diseases: How Are They Transmitted?

Jennifer Wilson
3 min readJul 11, 2016


There are many deadly and life threatening disease causing agents around us but one of the most concerning health issue nowadays is regarding the sexual health and wellness of the human being. This issue is related to the present lifestyle of people which involves high amount of sexual activity and intimacy without desired knowledge or precautions for preventing the risks associated with these sexual activities of lifestyle trends. There is a large proportion of people in the society who are engaged in sexual and intimate relationships with more than one person and there are other people also who might have sexual intimacy with one person but they lack in taking the desired precautions or sexual safety measures while sexual interaction which can be anal, oral or virginal.

The health issue or risk accompanying this sexually active and intimate lifestyle of people today is the sexually transmitted disease spread which is notices to be increasing a very high rate in the present scenario. Many sexual health surveys conducted on regular basis reveal that the proportion of people engaged in sexual relations without effective knowledge with respect to sexually transmitted disease like HIV/ AIDS, syphilis, gonorrhea, and much more has increases in the recent years. And this portion of population mainly comprises of young generations and teenagers who have more curiosity and lesser awareness in the direction of sexual and intimate relationships. They explore deeper facts about their life without even knowing or gaining prior information about the various risks that are associated with their actions.

The responsibility for such increasing cases of sexually transmitted diseases also falls on the shoulders of authorities and people who are responsible for guiding their students or kids in the direction of healthy lifestyle and relationships. A state of awareness and knowledge can be developed in the mind of young generation with the help of counseling and presentation or any other form of awareness campaigns which can guide them towards the kind of relationship they can have or the type of precautions they should take during sexual interaction. People nowadays hesitate a lot when they are told to discuss on any sexual health related topic but such behaviors is unnecessary and dangerous for people who lack in knowledge and information about various sexually transmitted diseases which could grab their health and destroy their life.

There is no need of hesitation, what our society and its people actually need is an open discussion and debate on the various sexual and intimacy related topic. People should create awareness against the various possible health risks that any sexually transmitted disease carries with itself. They should be told that ignorance and negligence in their sexual life can lead to problems like sexually transmitted diseases, infertility, and in some worse cases tragic death with suffering. Therefore people should be made familiar with the general symptoms which indicate any kind of sexually transmitted disease so that they can detect and treat the occurred issue at the right time with the right kind of medication or medical guidance.

The general symptoms that are faced by an individual during any kind of sexually transmitted disease are painful irritation and sensation in reproductive areas, continuous discharge of fluid from reproductive organ with intense pain and redness. If a person faces even a slightest sign of any sexually transmitted disease or infection they should take the necessary medicine or vaccination and get desired consultancy from their health assistance or doctor. These kind of severe sexual health risks can be avoided by taking certain guided prevention during sexual interaction and intimate relationship like use of condoms, fluid discharge after sexual interaction, cleaning of private parts, and much more. People can get accurate and expert medical assistance on these sexual an intimacy related topic through various awareness and informational sources available in the society.

