5 min readApr 26, 2023

SecondLive - Create, Connect, and Create the Best Virtual Gaming Experience

All You Should Know About SecondLive Ecosystem

In the Metaverse, SecondLive serves as a hub for inhabitant, providing a fresh and engaging platform for virtual communication. There are several advantages to joining this community as a user.
SecondLive is primarily a platform for creative expression and self-expression. Users can create their own virtual environments and express themselves in ways they would not be able to in the real world. Users are able to quickly and easily produce original digital materials that can be shared with the community using a free editing toolkit and simple design tools.

For creators to sell their artwork and digital assets, SecondLive also provides a marketplace. As a result, creators can now make money by collecting royalties on a consistent basis. A wide range of virtual goods and services are also accessible to users through the market place, making it simple for them to locate and buy anything they might need to improve their virtual experience.

SecondLive offers a sense of community, which is an additional advantage. With over 1 million users, there are countless chances to interact with people who have like passions and interests. A sense of community and the development of new friendships can be fostered by users joining groups and taking part in events and activities.
Additionally, SecondLive, which specializes in designing virtual environments for significant events, is driving the development of the Metaverse infrastructure. Users may anticipate the best experiences and technology, which will fully immerse them in a new world.
In conclusion, Binance Labs, a well-known blockchain startup capital and incubator company, has invested in SecondLive. This investment guarantees that the platform will continue to develop and advance, keeping up with the rapidly developing field of Metaverse technology.

The following are just a few advantages of joining this vibrant online community:

Social networking and community building: opportunities are available in SecondLive in addition to the ability to customize avatars. Users can interact with people in virtual environments like bars and clubs, join groups and communities based on common interests, and take part in a variety of activities.

Customization and Self-Expression - The ability to build your own avatar and personalize it anyway you choose is one of the main appeals of SecondLive. SecondLive allows you the flexibility to embody either your real-life personality or a completely different persona. There are countless ways to express yourself, from picking your avatar's hairdo and outfit to choosing their characteristics and accessories.

Earning Potential with Bean and LIVE Tokens - In addition to the social advantages, SecondLive gives users the chance to earn Bean tokens by carrying out different jobs and activities. These tokens can be staked for LIVE tokens, which are subsequently exchangeable for other cryptocurrencies or utilized for in-world purchases. Users are further encouraged to interact with the site and give back to the community by the earning potential.
SecondLive has something to offer everyone, whether you are a creative person looking for a platform to display your work, a gamer seeking a fresh challenge, or just someone who wants to interact with others and discover a new environment.

Details about SecondLive Token ($LIVE)

The SecondLive Token, also known as LIVE, is one of the essential elements of the SecondLive ecosystem. It functions as the platform’s governance token and gives holders the ability to influence the community’s destiny.

A BEP20 governance token with a 1 billion total supply is called the SecondLive Token, or LIVE. Holders of LIVE have the ability to take part in the platform’s governance and shape the community’s course through suggestions and voting.

The SecondLive team has divided the LIVE tokens as follows:

20% for the team and advisers; 5% for the public sale; 25% for sponsors and consultants; 15% for ecological construction; and 35% for the community.
The 25% of the LIVE tokens that are unlocked at the end of each quarter are part of the 24-month vesting period for the tokens that were given to the team and advisors. A total of 25% of the tokens assigned to partnerships and marketing will unlock at the end of each quarter over the course of a 12-month period. The tokens allotted to liquidity providers will be locked for a year.

The community’s allotted LIVE tokens will be distributed using a number of different methods, such as staking, liquidity mining, and rewards for creators, operators, and users. Additionally, the community will have the opportunity to suggest and decide how to distribute the community fund, which accounts for 20% of the entire LIVE supply.
In the SecondLive ecosystem, the SecondLive Token, or LIVE, performs a number of services, such as:

  • Provision of Liquidity - LIVE holders can contribute to the SecondLive liquidity pools and receive incentives in the form of trading commissions and Beans.
  • Staking - Owners of LIVE tokens can stake their tokens to obtain Beans, the SecondLive ecosystem’s incentive token, as rewards. The Beans can be utilized for a variety of platform activities, including content creation, space operation, and job completion.
  • Governance - Holders of LIVE can participate in the community’s governance by making recommendations and voting on those made by others. The suggestions may deal with a variety of issues, including platform updates, feature requests, and the distribution of community funds.
  • Rewards - LIVE owners can earn rewards in the form of a percentage of the trading fees made on the SecondLive marketplace. According to the holders' share of the overall LIVE supply, prizes will be given out to them.

More info about second live can be seen below

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