I’m your friend, not your competitor

2 min readJun 16, 2024


What happened, my friend?

Photo by Cristina Gottardi on Unsplash

What if for once — we saw each other as friends, not competitors?

On a quiet afternoon, as I sit and ponder, a realization strikes me; I can feel your intense gaze, sense the subtle jabs in your words, and it dawns on me how our friendship has shifted. Once, we were inseparable, supporting each other unconditionally. Now, it feels like you see me as a rival rather than a friend. It makes me curious, what happened to the bond we shared, the one that knew no envy?

I've spent a lot of time reflecting, trying to understand this change. All I ever wanted was a pure friendship, one where we lift each other up and celebrate our victories together. But now, I hear the edge in your compliments and feel the weight of your unspoken words. This makes me wonder, how did we get here? What’s it like to go back to being friends who support each other without competition?

With each comment you make, I find myself yearning for the days when we were simply happy for each other. It’s not about ignoring my own feelings, but wanting to return to a place where we learn and grow together. To be the friend who cheers you on genuinely, without any hint of rivalry — it’s a thought that fills me with sadness and hope.

As the sun sets outside, I embrace this struggle. Maybe the essence of our friendship isn’t lost, but just clouded by misunderstandings. Each interaction tells a story, but what would it be like to clear the air, to speak honestly about how we feel?

So I keep reflecting, unsure of what to do next. Should I distance myself to save our friendship or continue hoping things will go back to how it was? With every word you say, I try to find the right balance, believing that our friendship can still thrive if we both put in the effort.

As the evening draws near, I’m left with a sense of uncertainty. What would it feel like to see our relationship through the lens of true support once again, captured in moments of genuine care for all to witness? Though I may not have all the answers — but really..

How does it feel to be a true friend, not a competitor?

