3 Signs You Need A Fresh Start

Starting over is daunting, but we all need a fresh start every now and then.

Seyda Noir
4 min readJun 25, 2022
Photo by Lukas Godina on Unsplash

The Concept of Starting Over And Why It’s So Daunting

You’ve probably heard yourself or someone else say it before:
“I need a fresh start” — And maybe you’ve given it a shot, or at least thought about giving it a shot. Sometimes in life, you’re going to dive down deep and come up dry, a little smarter, yes, but maybe empty-handed as well.

It’s these moments that beg the question: “Is this the right path for me?” and the idea of confronting that question head-on by making changes or shifting direction can feel overwhelming for a number of reasons.

Sometimes it’s because you perceive it as a failure, other times it’s because you’re worried about what others might think — and more often than not, for me anyway, it’s because I feel as though I’ve invested a lot of time in one area of my life and there is a large amount of guilt leftover when I seemingly and suddenly abandon it in the pursuit of something that feels more in alignment with my heart.

The reality is, that we don’t need to walk every path we stumble across in life, but the paths we do choose to take, even if abandoned somewhere down the line for…



Seyda Noir

Aotearoa, NZ based author, poet + creator. I write about the human experience. https://seydanoir.substack.com