The Special Forces Association of NYC — Our Mission

The Special Forces Association Serves as the Voice for the Special Forces Community; Perpetuates Special Forces Traditions and Brotherhood; Advances the Public Image of Special Forces and Promotes the General Welfare of the Special Forces Community

Special Forces Association NYC
2 min readOct 1, 2018
Recruiting Poster from the 1980s for the U.S. Army Special Forces

SFA NYC Chapter 58 exists at the heart of American business, and exists to perpetuate the distinctive mindset and training of Special Forces throughout the business and political community within New York City.

SFA NYC will serve as the voice of the Special Forces community by connecting former or transitioning Green Berets to business and employment opportunities throughout the greater New York City area. SFA NYC will communicate the value of our training and experience by mapping the remarkable values, mindset, and leadership experience to desirable business attributes and outcomes.

SFA NYC will perpetuate Special Forces Traditions and Brotherhood by holding each other to the highest possible standard, and creating a communication and support network so that no former or transitioning Green Beret is without resources or support.

SFA NYC will advance the public image of Special Forces and promote its welfare by building strategic partnerships with related fraternal organizations, business leaders, and political entities within the NYC area.

DINNERS WITH SFA NYC Our members conduct regular jirgas with business leaders and executives to further the Chapter’s Mission by perpetuating Special Forces’ traditions of leadership, brotherhood, and trust. If you’re interested in partnering with the Special Forces Association of NYC or wish to learn more about this elite business resource, please contact us on our website.



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