Indian History of Kho Kho — From Mahabharata to Modern Playgrounds

SFA Play
9 min readNov 28, 2023


Let’s talk about a sport with a history that dates back thousands of years, is challenging physically and mentally, belongs to India, and is closely intertwined with our culture. If you have not guessed by now, we are talking about Kho Kho, a sport that shares a deep connection with the Mahabharata and has evolved over the years to reach international sporting venues.

Inter-school Kho Kho match

In this blog, we walk down the corridors of the past to rediscover the ancient Indian history of Kho Kho. We also discuss everything you need to know about this sport in its present form to prepare you to begin competing professionally. So, let’s start our journey to learn about this ultimate sport’s past, present, and future.

The History of Kho Kho: How Mahabharata Shaped the Sport

Origins in the Mahabharata

To know the history of the Kho Kho game, one must go back to the time of Mahabharata. It was the 13th day of the Mahabharata war between the Pandavas and the Kauravas, both sides equally strong with the best warriors in the country.

That is when Guru Dronacharya, the combat teacher and warrior from the Kauravas’ side, decided to form the complex battle formation called the Chakravyuha. The name denotes a wheel-like circular formation that is challenging to penetrate and even more difficult to exit.

Finally, from the Pandavas’ side, Arjuna’s son, Abhimanyu, enters the battle zone prepared to penetrate the Chakravyuha formation. He weaves around his opponents to get to the middle of the Chakra. This weaving pattern, where one follows a zig-zag trajectory, is said to have evolved into the techniques of Kho Kho as we see it today.

The Chakravyuha and Kho Kho

The Indian history of Kho Kho suggests that the sport was shaped based on the Mahabharata. A close comparison of the Chakravyuha from the Mahabharata and Kho Kho confirms this.

1. The ring play technique in Kho Kho today is very similar to the method that was said to be used by Abhimanyu.

2. Breaking through the Chakravyuha and winning a match of Kho Kho need a solid strategy and a robust set of tactics. In both, knowing the correct entry and exit points and the capability to predict your opponent’s moves are essential.

3. Kho Kho players’ dodging, blocking, and evasion are similar to techniques used to navigate war formations.

4. A warrior navigating the Chakravyuha and a Kho Kho player must be agile and quick on their feet.

From the Mahabharata to Rathera

Another theory about the Kho Kho game history suggests that it originated as a war-like sport in Maharashtra called ‘Rathera.’ According to this, Kho Kho was initially played on chariots where opponents chased each other in horse-driven vehicles. This version of the history of Kho Kho is confirmed by the Oxford Dictionary, which identifies the origins of the name “Kho Kho” from Marathi, suggesting that the sport may indeed have had its roots in Maharashtra.

Rathera to Modern Kho Kho

The next step in the history of Kho Kho involved a transformation of the chariot sport into an on-foot sport. The first record of modern Kho Kho is from 1914. It was then that the Pune Gymkhana gave the rules and regulations of Kho Kho an official form.

In 1936, Kho Kho was presented Internationally at the Berlin Olympics. The first all-India championship occurred in 1959, and an Asian Championship was held in 1996. Kho Kho was eventually included as an event in the South Asian Games 2016.

Kho Kho Today

Today, Kho Kho is a widely played sport in India and internationally. It is part of various international sporting events, with almost 20 countries having national Kho Kho teams. With such a glorious history, the popularity of Kho Kho will continue growing in the coming years.
SFAPlay is organizing inter-school championships in over 10 cities, including Delhi. Schools in and around Delhi are invited to participate in the SFAPlay Delhi Championship 2024, where we aim to nurture and train students interested in competing in 30 sports, including Kho Kho. Matches are held at the school, district, and state levels.

Kho Kho Game Rules & Regulations

Kho Kho Teams

Kho Kho is a team sport played between two teams of 12 members, with nine participating in the match and three acting as substitutes. Each team has to take on one of the two roles in a game — chasing or defending.

Match Duration

A game of Kho Kho consists of two innings. Each inning has two nine-minute long turns in which both players alternate chasing or defending roles.

Kho Kho Playing Area

The Kho Kho playing area is 26 metres long and 16 metres wide. It consists of evenly spaced markings for the players of the chasing team to sit and two poles at either end around which players must run. The two poles are placed at a distance of 24 metres from one another.


A Kho Kho match begins with a coin toss. The team that wins chooses between chasing or defending in the first turn.

Eight out of the nine players of the chasing team must sit facing opposite directions in a straight line between the two poles, while the ninth player acts as the chaser. When the game starts, three players from the defending team enter the play area. The chasing team must touch all three defenders before another set of three defenders enters the play area.

The active chaser can switch positions with other players in the match by tagging them or giving “kho”. When doing this, the chaser who gives “kho” sits in the place previously occupied by the new active chaser. A new chaser can be tagged only from behind by touching them on the back, waist or between the shoulders and the word “kho” must be uttered loudly and clearly.

What makes Kho Kho challenging is that the chaser is allowed to run in only one direction. To switch directions, they must touch either of the poles before doing so. The active chaser cannot run between the seated chasers, whereas the defenders can run in any direction. This means the chasing team must strategically tag one another to take defenders out of the game. On the other hand, the defenders use their speed and agility to dodge their opponents and confuse them.


In Kho Kho, points are earned by taking defenders out of the game. The team with the most points wins at the end of the two innings.

Inspiring Kho Kho Indian Players

As Kho Kho has grown in popularity, several star players who continue to set the standard at national and international competitions have emerged. Here we explore the contributions made by some of India’s best Kho Kho players who inspire every aspiring sportsperson in the country.

Praveen Kumar

T. Praveen Kumar

This incredible Kho Kho player, known for his agility and tactical acumen, started his journey in regional competitions. Soon, he joined his University Kho Kho team, which paved his way into the State and Indian National teams at the senior level. This sportsman from Karnataka is one of the many young and rising talents in Kho Kho today who are very promising for the game’s future.

Mandakini Majhi

Mandakini Majhi

Hailing from Odisha, this sportswoman’s perseverance allowed her to rise from a not-so-fortunate financial background to become a successful National level player. She represented team India at the South Asian Kho Kho championship in 2016 and continues representing the country. Majhi is primarily known for her swiftness on the Kho Kho field.

Pankaj Malhotra

Pankaj Malhotra

Having received training from legendary players of the sport, Malhotra has been instrumental in raising the popularity of Kho Kho. This player, known for his agility and manoeuvring skills, currently works as a technical expert for the Ultimate Kho Kho league and plays a vital role in reshaping the future of the sport.

Sarita Kale

Sarita Kale

Kale, who comes from a village in Odisha, rose as a champion Kho Kho player due to her determination and hard work. This formidable Kho Kho player started her journey at age ten and went on to play for the state team of Maharashtra and the Indian National team.

Having represented the state and the country at numerous sporting events, she was awarded the Shiv Chhatrapati Award by the Government of Maharashtra and the Arjuna Award by the Government of India. She stands out as the first Kho Kho player to receive the Arjuna Award in 22 years, which makes her a significant contributor to the future of the sport.

Satish Rai

Satish Rai

Satish Rai has been integral to State and National teams in various competitions. Known for his strategic gameplay, quick reflexes and agility, Rai inspires many aspiring Kho Kho players. Additionally, his vocal support for the Ultimate Kho Kho League and the championships organised by the league reflects his concern for the future of the sport.

Skills You Need to Play Kho Kho

Let’s now talk about the skills every Kho Kho player must possess. Some of these include agility, endurance, teamwork, and strategic thinking. Honing these skills paves your path to becoming a formidable Kho Kho player. Here is how you can work on improving each skill.


In Kho Kho, you would be expected to be quick on your feet and capable of swift and smooth direction changes. Being agile makes you both a good defender and a chaser.

Tips- You can work on sprint training with short sprints and quick direction changes. Additionally, plyometric exercises such as lateral hops and box jumps build explosive power.


Kho Kho is an intense sport that requires you to have high energy levels from start to finish. Endurance helps you maintain your agility without getting tired as the game progresses.

Tips- Cardiovascular training, such as running or swimming, build endurance. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts also help you reach optimal stamina.


Kho Kho relies on teamwork and good communication between the players. Only with teamwork can your team build effective strategies and see them through.

Tips- Working with your team to develop communication cues that can be followed during the match and understanding each player’s weaknesses and strengths can help build teamwork.

Strategic Thinking

If you look at the history of Kho Kho and how the game has evolved, it is evident that strategic thinking has played a crucial role in this game. It involves analysing your opponent’s moves and planning attacks and defensive strategies.

Tips- You must train to analyse the game quickly and understand patterns and weaknesses in your opponent’s play. Studying and practising various strategies can help you employ them effectively during a game.

Interesting Facts about Kho Kho Game

As a sport quickly gaining popularity in the international sports scene, many interesting facts about this game make it unique. A few of these are mentioned below.

1. Kho Kho’s connection with the Mahabharata makes it more than 3000 years old.

2. India has many indigenous and traditional sports; the second most popular is Kho Kho. This makes the game an integral part of Indian culture, with almost all Indian children playing this game from a very young age.

3. Kho Kho is a sport played by men and women, following the same rules and rigour.

4. The longest defending record is held by Hema Kabra, who defended for 7 minutes not out in six rounds in the National Kho Kho Championship of 1978. However, this achievement was recognised officially only in 2018.

5. The first franchise league for Kho Kho is the Ultimate Kho Kho League, founded in 2022, which follows its unique Kho Kho rules in its tournaments.

To Sum Up

This was a journey through the rich history of Kho Kho, a sport indigenous to India with a growing international acceptance. We explored this sport’s historical facts, rules, and skills and sought inspiration from some of the best players.

It is time to boost your Kho Kho journey by participating in championships organised by SFA Play. At SFA Play, we organise Kho Kho championships for age groups between 3–18 years, allowing young sportspeople to hone their skills and prepare them for national and international sports events. Sign up with SFA Play today to start competing in the wonderful game of Kho Kho!



SFA Play

SFA Play, a sports organization, orchestrates inter-school sports competitions while extending vital sports support to schools & individuals. Visit