What is a Handball Game? A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Playing the Game

SFA Play
10 min readDec 10, 2023


Handball is among the most popular sports played by more than 19 million people internationally. But for ‘athletes’ who wish to build a career in this fast-paced and enthralling team sport professionally, it becomes imperative to know all the nitty-gritty of this sport.

This sport has a formidable history, several rules and regulations and numerous competing opportunities at various levels. Organizations like SFA Play regularly conduct events such as the SFA Championship Delhi 2024, playing a pivotal role in students’ lives aspiring to build careers in Handball. These events offer a platform for young athletes to showcase their talents, fostering skill development and providing exposure essential for future opportunities in Handball.This comprehensive guide answers the question- “What is Handball Game?” and takes you on a journey to explore this magnificent sport.

Origins and History of Handball

Handball has a long and rich history dating back to the ancient Greeks, who played variations of this game. However, in modern times, there are records of handball being played in Europe, especially in Germany, Austria and Denmark in the late 19th century. The first official recorded match was played in 1917 in Germany.

Handball also has a long international history, as the first international men’s match was played in 1925, and the first women’s match was played in 1930. Since then, there has been no stopping this exciting game. It got its place in the Olympics for the first time in 1936. Following this, indoor handball was invented in Denmark in the 1940s. After a break from the Olympics, the game reappeared in the Munich Olympics in 1970 and was here to stay.

Today, handball is an internationally popular and widely played game with a strong presence in almost 190 countries, with professional clubs, national teams and hoards of fans. This popularity enjoyed by handball can be partially credited to the invention of the indoor handball match, which made the game more straightforward, easier to follow and more exciting.

Handball Match Rules and Regulations

Objectives of a Handball Match

The objective of a handball match is to score points by throwing the ball into the opponent’s net. To win a game, the team must have the highest number of goals at the end of the game. When the match ends in a tie, it is broken with overtime play and penalty shootouts.


A handball match is played between two teams. Each team consists of seven members- six players and a goalie. Additionally, each team is allowed seven substitutes. If you wonder that in handball game how many players can be substituted during a match, the answer is unlimited.

Match Duration

The handball game duration is one hour. This hour is split into two 30-minute halves, and the halves are further divided into 15-minute quarters. If the one hour of the handball match time ends in a tie, two 10-minute overtime play periods are implemented to break the tie.

Playing Area

The handball playing area is 40 metres long and 20 metres wide. On both ends of a court, there are two goal areas. The goal area is marked as a semicircle with a radius of six metres, and players must stay behind this line when shooting a goal. There is also an outer semicircle with a nine-metre radius called the free-throw line, and players must remain behind it to take free throws.

Ball Handling

A handball match begins with a throw-off at the centre of the court. Following this, there are many rules regarding how the ball should be handled, be it touching, keeping possession of, or dribbling it.

1. Touching — A player can touch the ball with any part of the body above the knees to stop, catch, bounce, throw or strike the ball. They should not touch the ball with any of the body parts below the knees. A player cannot touch the ball more than once unless it has come in contact with the ground or another player. This means they cannot shift the ball from one hand to another.

2. Possession — A player cannot be stationary for more than three seconds while the ball is in possession. After three seconds, the player must dribble, pass, or shoot the ball.

3. Dribbling — Handball players dribble the ball when moving across the court. In handball, dribbling involves bouncing the ball on the ground and catching it before bouncing it again.

SFAPlay Handball Championship 2016

Passing and Shooting

Passing the ball from one player to another is fundamental to handball. Passes are generally done in handball by throwing the ball using one hand. There are different types of passes, including simple throws, overhead passes, and bounce passes.

Shooting means throwing the ball into the opponent’s net to score a goal. Shooting must be done behind the goal line. Players can use two types of shots: the standing shot, where the player takes three quick steps and then shoots, and the jump shot, where of the three steps, the last one includes a jump.


To defend the ball or keep it from the opponent, players can use the flat part of their hand to knock it in a direction away from the opponent or block the opponent with their body. However, players cannot be physically violent, including pushing, hitting or tripping opponents or slapping the ball away from an opponent’s hands.

Goal Keeping

The goalkeeper is the only player who can dive and trap the ball with their feet. The goalkeeper uses different kinds of saves to defend the goalpost.

Fouls and Penalties

A few behaviours on the court may be considered fouls and lead to loss of possession or penalties. Some of these include

1. Kicking the ball — players apart from the goalkeeper cannot kick or touch the ball with their feet.

2. Walking — Taking more than three steps without dribbling the ball is considered walking.

3. Double-dribbling — The team may also lose possession of the ball if a player dribbles, holds the ball and then dribbles again.

4. Violent behaviour — pushing, tripping, hitting, or kicking opponent players or violently slapping the ball out of their hand is also considered foul and leads to penalties.

Upon committing slight infractions, the opponent team receives a free throw. A penalty throw is granted to the opponent if a player illegally infringes a clear scoring opportunity.

For more severe infractions, referees may take disciplinary actions such as a yellow card as a first warning, a two-minute suspension as a second warning or a red card to dismiss the player from the game.

Handball Positions and Roles

Each of the seven players occupies a unique position on the court in a handball match. With each position comes a set of responsibilities that the player must carry out to ensure their team’s victory. The four positions are-

1. Goalkeeper

The goalkeeper is the player who defends their team’s goal post and prevents the opponent team from scoring. When a goalkeeper saves a ball, their team retains possession. The goalkeeper may also be a field player when the situation requires it. A goalkeeper must be able to react with speed and agility to ensure that the opponents do not score goals.

2. Pivot

The pivot in a handball match is also called a line player, and they are responsible for attacks. They exploit gaps in the opponent’s defence and shoot goals from the 6-metre line. They play among the opponent team’s defenders to create opportunities for their teammates to score.

3. Wing Players

There are two wing players in a handball game, and they cover the right and left sides of the court. They stand on the far right and left side and initiate counter attacks along the lines. They are agile and monitor the lateral sides of the court.

4. Backcourt Players

There are three backcourt players in a handball game covering the left, right and centre towards the back end of the court. Together, they create a defensive wall to prevent the opponent from shooting.


While individual positions and responsibilities are crucial in a handball game, winning a match depends on teamwork, cohesion and synergy between the players. For a fast-paced sport such as handball, movement coordination and good communication of strategies and tactics differentiate handball champions from any other team.

indian school kids playing handball

Handball Techniques and Skills

Fundamental techniques in handball include catching, throwing, shooting and dribbling. Gaining sufficient skills in these techniques sets you apart as a player. Here’s what you need to know-


You must work on hand positioning and cushioning the ball’s impact to improve your catching skills. This technique can be enhanced using partner passing drills focusing on clean execution.


Accurate passes are non-negotiable in handball. To improve your throwing technique, focus on grip, aim and swing arm using target practice at different angles and distances.


Scoring in handball needs accurate shooting technique. This can be practised through shooting drills focusing on accuracy and target selection.


Dribbling is vital when you need to move with the ball. Dribbling obstacle course drills can improve the agility, hand position and ball control necessary for dribbling.

Handball Strategies and Tactics

Handball is all about team strategies and tactics. Handball teams use various strategies to gain an edge over their opponents. Some of these include

Fast Breaks

These are high-paced attacking strategies where the team quickly transitions from defence to attack. Communication and timing are essential when executing a fast break, as quick decisions and precisions play a vital role.

Set Plays

Set plays are pre-planned moves to trick the opponent’s defence. When it comes to set plays, it is vital to have clearly defined roles for each player and good communication to time a set play precisely.

Defensive Formation

Handball teams often go into defensive formations to disrupt the opponent’s defence. Some formations seen in handball include the 6–0 formation, where all the players are in a single line; the 5–1 formation, with one player as the pivot defender and the others in a straight line and the 3–2–1 formation, with three defenders at the back, two on the sides and one at the centre.

Ensuring Success

Handball is a dynamic and fast-paced sport. Strategies are essential, but good communication between teammates and the ability to read the game ensure a win. Handball players must be quick with decision-making and effective communicators for the team to be well-coordinated. Further, each player must be able to read the game by analysing the opponents, their movements and strategies to adapt to the ever-changing game quickly.

SFAPlay Handball Mumbai Championship

Handball Equipment and Safety

The Ball

The ball is the most essential piece of equipment in a handball match. It comes in various sizes and softnesses depending on the players. For men’s games, the ball is 58–60 cm in circumference; for women, it is 54–56 cm; for children between 8–16 years, it is 50–52 cm.

The Goal

The goal post used in handball is 2 metres tall, 3 metres wide, and 1 metre deep. The goal post is placed inside the 6-metre goal line.

Protective Gears

Handball is a fast game, and the safety of players is of prime importance to avoid injuries. Many protective gears are permitted for players to use in handball, like nose protection, headbands, sports glasses or goggles, mouthguards, shoulder braces, compression sleeves, elbow pads, knee protectors, ankle joint protectors and braces, wrist bands and protectors.

Stay Safe While Playing Handball

It is essential to stay safe when playing handball to ensure the longevity of your sporting career by preventing injuries. Consider investing in good quality safety equipment, including handball shoes, knee and elbow pads and mouthguards to protect yourself.

Apart from equipment, prevent injuries with a warmup routine that includes dynamic stretching and cardiovascular exercises. Also, spend time on strengthening, conditioning and learning proper techniques to avoid injuries from overexertion.

Handball — Competitive Opportunities

With millions of players engaged in the sport, competitive opportunities nationally and internationally are plenty in handball. Participating in various competitions right from a young age allows players to seek professional opportunities in handball.

National Competitions

In India, National level handball tournaments are organised by the Handball Federation of India (HFI), and competitions begin from Mini or under-12 level to senior championships. The HFI organises both indoor and beach handball competitions across various levels.

Apart from this, there are also state, district and regional competitions where participation occurs through schools or leagues.

International Competitions

On the international front, handball tournaments showcase the best teams. Some International avenues that host handball games include the Olympics, International Handball Federation World Championships, European, Asian and Pan American Championships and international championship leagues.

How to Start Competing?

An excellent place to start your professional journey in handball is by participating in competitions. SFA Play prepares a proper handball schedule of championships organised by them for young handball players aged 3–18 years. It gives them the unique opportunity to hone their skills and techniques and prepares them for national and international championship opportunities.

To sum up

In this article, we took a deep dive into the world of handball. We explored its rules, regulations, and gameplay and discussed tips and strategies to improve as a player. We also saw that handball is an exciting and popular team sport with various competitive opportunities.



SFA Play

SFA Play, a sports organization, orchestrates inter-school sports competitions while extending vital sports support to schools & individuals. Visit sfaplay.com