Palmyra’s next high school musical: “High School Musical”

Given the chance to select the play they would perform this spring, Palmyra students chose one they could relate to.

Stephen Finn
3 min readMar 13, 2019
Palmyra High School’s Palmyra Players rehearse the number “Bop to the Top” from their upcoming performance of “High School Musical”. Opening night is scheduled for Friday, April 12.

Stephen Finn

The Sun

This year, Palmyra High School’s Palmyra Players are attempting something a little different for their spring play. Director Lynn Lofland, who in previous years directed students in classic plays like “Thoroughly Modern Millie” and “The Music Man,” left this year’s play selection up to her students who opted for more modern fare with their choice of Disney’s “High School Musical.”

The play follows star high school athlete Troy Bolton, who falls for “nerdy” beauty Gabriella Montez. The two end up auditioning for the upcoming school musical while simultaneously juggling their existing obligations to the basketball team and the academic decathlon.

Although Lofland says this particular play wouldn’t have been her first choice, preferring instead to expose young people to traditional works, her students’ show of dedication and work ethic over the course of several rehearsals has since won her over.

“It’s working out better than I thought it would because they really have taken ownership of it,” said Lofland. “They take responsibility, they work together and they’ve designed a lot of the choreography.”

Despite his status as a newcomer to the Palmyra’s drama club, eighth-grader M’Kai Williams managed to land a lead role as Troy Bolton after his audition.

“It was very unexpected. I said I didn’t want a major role because I wanted to see how it goes this year, it’s new to me,” said Williams.

Despite his initial reservations, Williams has been enjoying his first foray into school plays.

“Being with people you know and being able to practice with them and sing with them, it’s really a lot of fun,” said Williams.

With the coming addition of a standalone middle school for the district, Williams may be the last eighth-grade student to star in a high school play in Palmyra. Lofland anticipates future productions will branch off into separate middle school and high school plays.

Williams believes “High School Musical,” which explores its characters’ search for identity, will resonate with other kids his age.

“People can be pressured to be someone that they aren’t, like I know I am sometimes, and I think it’s the best feeling ever when you can just break out and be yourself,” said Williams.

“The characters in this show are more like us as teenagers. In past plays there were teenagers from the ’50s and ’60s so we get to relate more to these characters,” said eighth-grader Roman Pallotto, who was cast in the role of Ryan Evans.

Playing opposite Williams, in the role of Gabriella Montez, is 11th-grader Kaya Robinson, who has taken on something of a leadership role in this year’s production.

“I like acting and singing on stage because singing is my love but with this show it’s been a little different. I’ve had the opportunity to help my castmates and teach certain numbers. I’ve gotten to take a different approach to theater,” said Robinson.

Robinson says that while she has enjoyed taking on more of a directorial role, ultimately she prefers to just be on stage performing.

“It’s fun working with your classmates, and they surprisingly respect me, but we all work together,” said Robinson. “Because we’ve helped out so much putting this show together we feel like it’s our show. You’re more excited to perform something when you know you’ve been working for it.”

Performances of “High School Musical” will take place at 7 p.m. on April 12 and 13, and 2 p.m. on April 14 at Palmyra High School. Tickets can be purchased at the door and are $7 for adults and $5 for students. For more information, call or email Lisa Jablonski at (856) 786–9300 ext. 1000 or

