David Sforza
1 min readOct 18, 2016


You realize that the only way to undue the “subsidy of your wealthy neighbors” would be a ballot initiative to raise their taxes, like prop 55 does? Unwinding the system will take a ballot initiative to begin with, extending an existing tax is not going to make it any harder.

I agree, 67 should not be on the ballot. The PLASTIC BAG INDUSTRY PUT IT THERE TO UNDUE A LAW PASSED BY THE LEGISLATURE! Thats how a referendum works, its different than the initiative. If you dont think the law should have been on the ballot, vote YES TO UPHOLD IT, not do EXACTLY WHAT THE PERSON WHO PUT IT THERE WANTS YOU TO DO! It is already ENSHRINED IN LAW! A no vote undoes it.

The plastic bag ban has nothing to do with reducing global warming. It has to do with reducing the plastic pollution in our oceans that are killing animals and ruining the ocean ecosystem. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Pacific_garbage_patch

By the way, for 58, which undoes 227, the ad ones that you are rejecting were added on by the legislature. The initiative was placed on the ballot by the legislature to undue the harm of 227 and set up a proper program for bilingual education.

