Meet the Students of SFPC’s Spring 2019 session.

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6 min readMar 17, 2019

If you are in NYC, please join us on Wednesday, March 20th to welcome the new students during our Meet the Students event (RSVP here). Students will give short presentations to introduce themselves and what they are excited to learn this semester.

The Spring 2019 session will be taught by Zach Lieberman, Taeyoon Choi, Lauren Gardner, American Artist, Sam Lavigne, CW&T. TAs will include Matt Jacobson, Celine Wong Katzman, Nabil Hassein, Fernando Ramallo, April Soetarman and Galen Macdonald.

The Spring 2019 admissions committee included SFPC alums Galen Madonald, Sudie Fu, Neta Bomani, advisor Golan Levin, teacher Sam Lavigne and manager Taeyoon Choi.

Alexander Miller

Alex is a programmer, teacher and artist who is interested in real-time interactive generative systems. His work explores the ideas of order, chaos, complexity, emergent behavior, and scientific modeling.

Ariel Uzal

I’m a media artist and teacher from Patagonia. I make installations and visual art about society, politics, and death. I enjoy working with others, and am always looking for new collaborators.

Bomani McClendon

Bomani is a software engineer and interactive media artist based in Brooklyn, NY. He is interested in using technology to create beautiful, memorable experiences that prompt self-reflection or social inquiry. Bomani studied Computer Science at Northwestern University, where he focused on Human-Computer Interaction, Learning Sciences, and storytelling tools for journalism.

Greg Sadetsky

Greg is a digital troubadour, technologist, and prototyper.

Javier de Azkue

Born in Bariloche, Patagonia, Argentina, Javier is an Image and Sound Design graduate from the University of Buenos Aires. He works with video, code, animation and film, and is now finishing a Master’s Degree in Electronic Arts. He is interested in media genealogy, experimental music and visual arts.

Joseph Wilk

I’m a programmer who works in sound design, musical composition tools, interactive 3D visuals, computer science education and performance art. I perform live coded musical and visual performances as Repl Electric. I’m interested in the relationships between sound & visuals, the illusions that give life, emotion and narrative to computer art and programming as an act of performance.

Juan Miguel Marin

Juan is an Ecuadorian multi-disciplinary artist based in Brooklyn, NY. Marin is also an award-winning designer, and drummer for the indie-dance outfit LEGS. For the last four years, Marin has been focusing on an ongoing series of site-specific installations titled “Drawing Under the Influence”. and

Luisa Fabrizi

I am an artist, working mostly with new technology, but very passionate of other mediums, I love drawing, sculpting and exploring different instruments.
I work in an atelier in south Hamburg where I share my space with other artists like me.
My artistic work is concerned with exploration and expression, I try to give voice to part of the self inherently present in humans; though I think that certain places, cultural movements and situations have as well their own discoverable self, my work is looking for it and giving it a voice.

Margot Mcmahon

Mar is a developer and artist. Her favorite aesthetic maneuvers are: “slapstick”; “taking things too far”; “uncanny goofs”; and “isolating physical gestures”. Mar distrusts language. Her favorite medium is her hair.

Melissa Holmes

Melissa is a software engineer and visual artist based in Atlanta. She is interested in representations of people through portraiture, self-expression, and personal data sets. She wants to explore the intersection of handmade and machine-made art. She also enjoys learning how to make everything, growing plants, and writing code with her two cats.

Sara Khan

Sara is a professional sewer / tailor in Brooklyn, NY and has a background in computer science and furniture design. In her personal artistic practice, she applies waste mitigation techniques to her work with second hand textiles. She continues to explore ways of integrating computer aided design with zero waste pattern cutting.

Sheldon Chang

Stefan Pelikan

Stefan graduated from Penn State University in 2018 with degrees in Graphic Design, Art History, and German. Since then he has been working for the Robert Reed Drawing Workshops (see: ) — website, poster, an exhibition, and various print media. In 2017 Stefan interned with Kelli Anderson and worked on pop-up production, reconfigurable structure research, and hexaflexagon how-tos. Recently, Stefan was a teaching assistant for Code / Paper / Scissors, a two-week session at SFPC that explored paper as a site of, medium for, and foil to programming. He made a book called The Matrix Magnates, which collages its way through the social and technological context of writing and graphic design since the adoption of the Linotype machine, viewable along with some of his other work at his site.

Stefanie Schirmer

Stefanie is excited about recursion, fractals, tiling and mathematical patterns. She is an alumna of Hacker School, holds a PhD in Bioinformatics, has made sculptures at Burning Man and worked at the TAG lab in Montreal on a wearable game. Recently, she’s been working on really small operating system kernels.

Vivienne La

Vivienne is a freelance designer and artist, whose work explores the intersection of the handmade and the virtual. She enquires into alien habitats and her immediate environment for investigation, hoping to generate uncharted pathways connecting art, design and the transmission of cultural ideas. She would like to talk to you about cooking, sci-fi and what you’re reading.

Yehwan Song

Graphic designer, Web designer, Web developer. She designs and develops experimental websites and interactive graphics. She is interested in flipping general understanding of web design and playing with visual tricks.


Otta is a two year old german Cockapoo. Since August 2017 she lives and shares mutual care with Luisa Fabrizi. Always ready for new adventures Otta has a background in archeology and leaves sniffing. During her time in SFPC she hopes to eat more cheese and support overworked artists.



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School for Poetic Computation—since Fall 2013.