Sam Altman at Ball in Blue

San Francisco Young Democrats
2 min readSep 3, 2017


This year we are honored to welcome Sam Altman as one of our speakers at our annual Ball in Blue. Sam Altman is president of Y Combinator, which is a venture capital seed incubator, that has helped funded and launched companies such as Dropbox, Airbnb, and Reddit.

Sam is excited to share his recently launched, The United Slate with all the young democrats at Ball in Blue. The United Slate is an initiative establishing policy goals to solidify California as the progressive model for the nation on issues like affordable housing, clean energy and healthcare for all.

He has 10 progessive policy goals that he’d like to see candidates work towards these include…

1. Lower the cost of living, especially housing
2. Move to a Medicare-for-all system over time by gradually reducing the age of eligibility
3. Set a target of 90% clean energy in the country by 2050
4. World-class education
5. We need to reform our tax system
6. Shift 10% of our $600 billion annual defense budget to the research and development of future technologies
7. Fair trade and fair jobs
8. Expand the social safety net
9. A fair government
10. World-class infrastructure

He has three potential ballot measures, Smarter Infrastructure, By Right Housing, and a Foreign Buyers Tax all aimed at tackling CA’s housing.

Sam hopes that after sharing his The United Slate ballot measures with everyone that there will be enough interest to pursue it.

He will be joining the stage alongside with other prominent dignitaries such as San Francisco Board of Supervisors, Sandra Lee Fewer and Hilary Ronen as well as Michael Engman, Chair of Red to Blue California.

So join us at our annual Ball in Blue on September 7 at 6:00p.m. at 111 Minna Street, San Francisco to hear more.

Tickets are selling out fast! To purchase your ticket go to



San Francisco Young Democrats

San Francisco Young Democrats leads the nation in progressive political values. We represent the issues of young people through activism and outreach.