SGAT Alpha MVP — How to push data in our blockchain

1 min readOct 12, 2018


We are very excited to announce the release of the first version of our MVP, the Alpha ! It is our first test Blockchain service available to users, although it is still very basic !

To sum up, anyone can push almost anything to our blockchain and record it forever, even pictures ! :)

The key feature is that anyone can easily store data in the blockchain, not only developers !

Want to know more about it ?

Check our Tutorial Video to understand exactly how to use it ! ;)

Follow the link and log in with your SGAT account to test the tool :

Check our Tutorial Video to understand exactly how to use it ! ;)

But hold on ! More features will be released in the coming weeks !!

For example, you will be able to track the whole history of what have been posted, but also able to manage user rights to allow restricted access to this data !

So stay tuned ! ;)




A powerful blockchain infrastructure offering decentralized applications and tailor-made smart contracts