Build Back Better — The Educators Summit

Steve Blank
2 min readDec 15, 2020


SAVE THE DATE for the 3rd edition of Lean Innovation Educators Summit
December 16th, 10–1pm PST, 1–4pm EST
, 6–9pm UTC

In July 2020, 400+ educators gathered online to discuss and share best practices for Lean education in the virtual environment. We learned a ton. And we’re going to do it again.

Join me, Jerry Engel, Pete Newell, and Steve Weinstein and over 1,000 educators from 65 countries and 220 universities for our next Lean Innovation Educators Summit.

COVID-19 has dramatically altered the business landscape. Main Street businesses are severely affected. While many parts of the high-tech sector are growing, others are either contracting or shutting down. Amid these uncertain times we believe that Lean educators can prepare students for this new investing climate and help communities recover.We’ll discuss how the pandemic has shifted not just the way we teach, but also what we teach about today’s investing climate and how we can use the Lean methodology to make an impact on our communities.

While we’ll hear from investors and Lee Bollinger, president of Columbia University, the heart of the summit are the breakout sessions. In these sessions you and your peers can discuss and share best practices with Lean educators from around the world. We’ll then share the results of the breakout sessions with everyone.

Our breakout session leaders include:
Tom Bedecarré -Stanford University, Chris Taylor- Georgetown University, Philip Bouchard- TrustedPeer, Jim Hornthal — UC Berkeley, Michael Marasco — Northwestern University, Bob Dorf — SOM, Dave Chapman — University College London, Paul Fox — LaSalle Univ Barcelona, Phil Weilerstein — VentureWell, Jim Chung — GWU, Todd Warren, Jeff Reid — Georgetown University, Ali Hawks — CMP, Radhika Malpani — Google, Stephanie Marrus — UCSF — Jessica Fields — CUNY, Todd Morrill — VMG, Rathindra [Babu] DasGupta — University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Micah Kotch — Urban-X and Logan Petkosek, Nicole Liddle, Emily McMahan.

Thanks to the Common Mission Project team and organizers — Logan Petkosek, Nicole Liddle, Emily McMahan.

This session is free to all but limited to Innovation educators. You can register for the event here and/or learn more on our website. We look forward to gathering as a community of educators to shape the future of Lean Innovation Education.

See you on December 16th 10–1pm PST, 1pm — 4pm EST, 6pm-9pm UTC.
Register here
Live captioning for the hearing impaired.

Steve Blank writes about teaching entrepreneurship at

