How can we start to reach our goal of zero hunger?

Steven Fellenzer
2 min readSep 30, 2021


The zero hunger goal is very important to the world around us. Up until 2015 people who suffer from hunger was on a steady decline. This trend was reversed and current estimates show that nearly 8.9 percent of the world suffers from undernourishment. 8.9 percent of the world is nearly 690 million people who are hungry and with the rate at which we are going by 2030 there will be about 840 million people effected. Understanding that we are not going in the right direction to solve world hunger will raise awareness of this issue that has been going on forever.

There are many ways that we can start to reach our goal one first of which is supporting local farms abilities to produce food. By supporting local farms anywhere in the world you not only can get food much easier but your supporting agriculture in your area which leads to an increase in food production making food less expensive. This is so important because of the fact that less fortunate people spend the majority of there money on food. Supporting local can also increase jobs in an area where there might not be many. Raising awareness to agriculture productivity is just one step in the right direction to the zero hunger goal.

Personally I am very interested in this topic as raising awareness to agricultural productivity can help more people understand the new technology in agricultural research. This would help underdeveloped countries catch up on development of plants and livestock gene banks. Better understanding of this topic will only increase people’s likelihood of doing there part to help. For example if a business owner or entrepreneur becomes more familiar with the effects of malnutrition around the world there are many approaches in which can be taken.

When first starting to read about the zero hunger goal and the steps we can take to approach a solution I didn’t have much outside information. One thing I did know was that we have gotten better overtime as there is much less malnutrition than there used to be but I did not expect to read about reverse effects in 2015.

How would the UN sustainable development goal raise enough money to accomplish the ideas they are proposing for the later years? How with new technology is the world hunger rate increasing at such a concerning rate? What is the main concerns that could be faced while trying to help achieve supporting local agriculture?



Steven Fellenzer

I created this blog to provide more awareness for the millions of people that suffer due to food insecurity.