Data Visualisation — 5 technologies you should know about

Sid Ghani
Published in
6 min readMar 30, 2023


These are the 5 common ways in which you can visualise data whether it's for your team, a new product launch, a Saas product or a web app. Each carries different levels of complexity and tech expertise to set up. I go through each of them in this article

80% of the world's data remains untapped and Data Visualisation is key to unlocking it

Photo by Luke Chesser on Unsplash

As more and more data is produced by apps and consumers all over the world, there is a huge appetite and commercial need for Data Visualisation. IBM estimates that by 2025 of all the data in existence, 80% of it will be unstructured, in other words, hidden away from plain view and will need smarter solutions to uncover and gain insight into them. Data Visualisation is one of the ways in which companies can tell a story from data which can then be actioned upon.

Businesses and apps today rely on Data Visualisation more than ever. Monzo, a billion-pound fintech unicorn based in the UK, provides Data Visualisation as a way for customers to understand their spending habits. Without it, customers often struggle to make sense of the “noise” their spending habits create given so many are living lives on auto-pilot. By using charts and visuals, customers can put into context how their spending compares to…



Sid Ghani

I'm a Data Specialist in London, UK working in Investment Banking. I’m passionate about Up-Skilling, Coding, Tech and Financial literacy.