Shane Trejo
3 min readMay 2, 2016

Feds Deny Appeal for IRS Whistleblower, Set Shocking Precedent Against Free Speech in American Courts!

Doreen Hendrickson is behind bars for the ‘crime’ of telling the truth and obeying her conscience.

The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati has denied an appeal for Doreen Hendrickson, whistle-blower turned sacrificial lamb for IRS tyranny, effectively ruling that the First and Sixth Amendments are not binding on the federal judiciary.

Since the release of her husband Pete Hendrickson’s seminal work, Cracking the Code: The Fascinating Truth About Taxation In America, federal and state governments have had to return billions of dollars to claimants over the past 13 years. Doreen Hendrickson’s persecution has come as the result of a desperate effort to suppress revelations about the income tax via character assassination and a Soviet-style show trial!

The testimonials of those whose property has been saved from illegal IRS tax collection are available online or in this 24 minute video:

As previously reported on by the independent media, Doreen Hendrickson was kidnapped and thrown behind bars for a crime she did not commit. The federal courts gave her an ultimatum to falsify tax returns or face contempt of court charges. After following her conscience, she was sentenced to a minimum of 1.5 years in prison for ‘alleged’ contempt of court. She is now incarcerated in Alderson Federal Prison Camp in West Virginia.

“Mrs. Hendrickson’s is a perfect case study of why the Framers provided for juries, and why Congress expressly reference “lawful” in the criminal contempt statute. The district court Orders alleged to have been violated in this case and which were requested by the executive department are illegal,” her appeal brief stated. “Every court dealing with these orders has struggled to shield them from review. One could argue that the jury is there, and “lawful” is specified, to protect Mrs. Hendrickson and any other defendant from this sort of potential institutional abuse.”

In spite of these and other errors in her case, Ms. Hendrickson’s appeal was denied. She will not be getting out of prison until her entire term is served. After she is released, she will likely be forced to return back to prison — unless she agrees to perjure herself. Even after serving time, Doreen will not be released from her nightmare.

The silver lining is that her case has produced a great deal of exposure for income tax truth. A documentary was produced about the ordeal earlier this year. In Free Speech on Trial: IRS v. Hendrickson, the facts are laid out about why Doreen was prosecuted and the despicable lengths the state will use to protect its ill-gotten gains and prevent the truth from being known by the public.

A fund has been set up to provide relief for the Hendrickson family, as this hellish ordeal has cost them thousands of dollars. You can access that HERE.

Please spread the word about this important case, and cause it to go viral so that more individuals don’t have their lives ruined by rogue bureaucrats. You can find out more about Pete Hendrickson and his life’s work at: