Visiting Veterans Museum on 9/11

Sebastian Guarneros-Amarillas
3 min readOct 2, 2018

Visiting veterans museum on 9/11

By:Anthony, Sebas, and Mau

Our experience started as we took the picture on the steps of the veterans museum as we waited for the museum to open. Time passed and the museum opened, everyone rushed through the doors. As you enter to your left you see artifacts from WW2 and things that soldiers would carry and have on them while they were in WW2 and other wars also on the right side there was a nice display of a bunker with sandbags like they would have them in the wars. To your right you see outfits, sewing machines, and modes of transportation. Everyone was entertained by the service dogs or looking for people to interview, the purpose of the interview was to learn their perspective and memories of 9/11. We wanted to explore the museum more so we looked around and found some interesting artifacts. At the time we were told to find an interviewee after we almost explored the museum of interesting artifacts and the different cultures. We ended up finding a room full of things that were used in the Vietnam War and we tried to interview a couple people but that did not work. We then began looking for someone and we wanted to find someone that remembered the exact day, to give us a lot of detail. We searched and searched but time passed by quickly and so we decided to start looking for employees to interview.

Vietnam flag from vietnam war

Camera from vietnam war

After exploring and struggling to find a interviewee we came across a 68 year old man named Paul who was a veteran. He first found out about 9/11 from his sister who woke him up with these words “the twin towers were just hit by a commercial airplane”. He jolted out of bed to to watch the news. More important information was learned by the minute. He was watching the news as the second plane hit and the first tower was destroyed he was also tuned in when the second tower got destroyed. We asked him about what he thinks about post middle east war he said “We did what we needed to in the middle east, we killed Bin Laden we had them punished for what they did. We have been there for ten plus years and now it’s time to withdraw our troops from the middle east we have wasted millions of supplies we have lost millions of soldiers it’s no longer a war worth fighting. If we want to play big brother for the Middle East we have to play big brother for the rest of the world”. This part of the interview really stuck out because he was sharing his opinions about the war and the Middle east it seemed refreshing to hear some else’s option about it, someone who was alive when 9/11 happened.

