Shaaibu Suleiman
2 min readMar 10, 2023

The Journey Of Learning Software Development.

I never understood that having a passion for learning software engineering is not just enough, but commitment, dedication, resilience, and hard work were the important vehicles that could get things done.

When I started out learning software engineering, I had the passion and zeal to make things work but as time passed and my experience improved, I understood that beyond my passion and zeal, I needed to reinforce them with consistent hard work, and an unwavering commitment until I attained to my dreams.

There is no doubt that my passion and zeal were very crucial in the progress I have made so far, but having these two alone could not have brought me this far because I understood that there are times when the passion and zeal just fade away because of how challenging the process could be and all you can do in that position is to keep learning and improving yourself even in the absence of self-motivation.

Even though we cannot limit or trivialize the place of passion and zeal, we must understand that there are times when we look for that passion we had at first and it seems it’s gone, and the only thing we have left is to commit ourselves to the discipline of hard work and remain consistent to the process even when we don’t feel like doing software engineering anymore.

I think in addition to our passion and zeal, we should also be deliberate to spice it up with ingredients of hard work, commitment, resilience, and consistency.

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