EA FC mobile game heuristic evaluation

Shaan Raj Pradhan
4 min readNov 7, 2023


During the Interaction Design Methods course of my master’s in human computer interaction, we had a class on heuristic evaluations. This method, which enables us to evaluate the usability and user-friendliness of digital interfaces following Jakob Nielsen’s 10 heuristic evaluation principles, appeared to be the ideal tool for examining and analyzing the challenges of game user experience (UX). I then decided to apply my learning to something I enjoy the most, Video Games.

Being a primarily PC first person shooter gamer I wanted to challenge myself and take the opportunity to deeper study mobile games.

The EA FC Mobile game, with its broad user base and immersive gameplay, provided an excellent canvas for this study.

To provide structure and timeline to the evaluation I followed a rendition of the sprint method of my own:

Day 1 (October 9 — Monday): Project Kick-off and Planning

  • Define project objectives and goals.
  • Identify key stakeholders and users
  • Create Personas.

Day 2–3 (October 10–11 — Tuesday to Wednesday): User Research and Heuristic Evaluation

Day 4–5 (October 12–13 — Thursday to Friday): Ideation and Redesign

  • Generate quick design ideas and concepts.
  • Create rough sketches or wireframes of key improvements.

Day 6–7 (October 14–15 — Saturday to Sunday): Prototyping

  • Develop a low-fidelity and Hi-fidelity prototype of the redesigned game.
  • Focus on essential user interactions, navigation, and layout.
  • Test the prototype with classmates for initial feedback.

Day 8–9 (October 16–17 — Monday to Tuesday): Usability Testing

  • Prepare usability testing scenarios and tasks.
  • Recruit a small group of participants (e.g., 3–5) who are EA FC Mobile players.
  • Conduct quick usability testing sessions.
  • Gather immediate feedback and identify major issues.

Day 10 (October 18 — Wednesday): Final Presentation and Recommendations

  • Analyze usability testing results and feedback.
  • Identify critical design recommendations.
  • Prepare a brief presentation summarizing key findings and design decisions.

My Project Objectives and Goals:

1) Evaluate Current Usability: Conduct a comprehensive heuristic evaluation using Jakob Nielsen’s 10 heuristic evaluation principles of the EA FC Mobile game to assess its current usability and user experience and give them a score based on NNG severity rating

  • 0 = I don’t agree that this is a usability problem at all
  • 1 = Cosmetic problem only: need not be fixed unless extra time is available on project
  • 2 = Minor usability problem: fixing this should be given low priority
  • 3 = Major usability problem: important to fix, so should be given high priority
  • 4 = Usability catastrophe: imperative to fix this before product can be released

2) Identify Usability Issues: Identify and document specific usability issues, user interface challenges, and gameplay concerns within the EA FC Mobile game based on the established heuristics.

3) Inform Design Improvements and Redesign: Provide actionable insights and recommendations and redesign as improvements and enhancements.

Users considered for this study.

  1. Current Players: Existing EA FC Mobile players represent a crucial user group as their feedback and experiences directly impact the game’s success.
  2. Potential Players: Individuals who may be interested in playing the game but have not yet started. Their perceptions of the game’s usability can influence their decision to become players.
  3. Casual Gamers: Those who play mobile games casually and may have varying levels of experience with similar games. Their insights can help tailor the game to a broader audience.
  4. Dedicated Gamers: Hardcore gamers who invest a significant amount of time in mobile gaming, providing in-depth insights into the game’s design and usability.

Survey findings for initial feedback 📝

Player persona 👥

To better understand who I am redesigning for I created two personas using the Bartle Types.

Findings from Heuristic Evaluation

1) Visibility of system status: (Severity Rating 1)

2) User control and freedom (Severity Rating 2)

3) Aesthetic and minimalist design (Severity Rating 1)


Through the heuristic evaluation of the EA FC Mobile app, I gained valuable insights into its usability and user experience.

The evaluation revealed several areas for improvement, including the need for better visibility of system status, the importance of have an Aesthetic and minimalist design, and the enhancement of User control and freedom to reduce user frustration.

These learnings will guide the app’s ongoing development, aiming to deliver a more intuitive, user-friendly, and error-resilient experience for players.

