1 min readMar 27, 2023


24 March

Remember I told before that she looked pretty I was wrong.

We went for breakfast to their place and she came out without makeup. She was just a basic girl who gets prettier with makeup. Once again i thought i should be thankful rather than belittling myself.

I am someone who can pull out without makeup without hijab and with hijab.

I'm starting to appreciate my looks a lot more now. My body in this age is to die for. Things I just don’t realize until I see it in-front of my eyes.

And there was nothing special about her or her life. And there was no use of me trying to be friendly I was just uncomfortable. Cause all of a sudden an iftar and I didn't know how to react. Should have reacted infront of my husband but man that was weird and super uncomfortable. Her mood changes like a bulb.

You know I have this feeling now like girl just go with the flow. Cause people. But still that was super weird I cant lie. And the food was horrible too I'm sorry I could have done it better. You know quality over quantity.

