shabana ayub
1 min readMay 22, 2022

How a sudden weather change, changes our mood?

The day was too hot today. Perhaps it causes bad moods, but in the evening as the cool breeze started blowing, it changed our moods from bad to happier one. Most of the people these days are depressed and this depression is increasing day by day. It is true that most of the people suffering from depression, are very sensitive, as they suddenly feel changes in their surroundings especially which are unlawful or injustice. If I say that sensitive people are honest, caring and kind hearted, it won’t be wrong. In the third world countries we face a lot of problems which are in fact pushing us in the well of depression. The reasons behind are mainly economical pressures and inflation. Economical pressures are there in developed countries as well but they try to resolve these issues. If you want to change your life in a better way please come out of the phase of helplessness. God has created everyone for some purpose so please before trying to keep everyone happy try to know about yourself so that you don’t have to wait for pleasant weather for happy mood.