Python Wordle Helper Code

May 7, 2022


Sometimes (actually quite often), after 15 minutes or so, and I am on the 4th guess and I just cannot think of five letter words. I have one green letter, perhaps one or two yellow ones and about 8 black ones. The app I wrote lets you put in all this information and in seconds, it finds you the word(s) that match. It works!

the results were:

These were my first three attempts:

I wrote the app using python flask, and shared it with my family, using pythonAnywhere. I used the enChant dictionary:

from nltk.corpus import wordnet
import enchant
d = enchant.Dict(“en_US”)

The code:

consist of the main python code in, the routine its calls, the two html pages — one to accept the input and one to display the results.

