Welcome 2021; Download Poetry

The Shadows Creative Source
3 min readNov 23, 2021


Now with the end of the year approaching let’s recap on the insightful poem I wrote at the beginning of this eventful year of 2021…

Photo Captured By: Andrew Svk on Unsplash

Sitting here reflecting on what is to come.
Age of Aquarius says sum while others say take heed for the “I am” is soon to appear.
I don’t know what’s right but what is for certain is that the end is near.

Photo Captured By: Paola Bendadi on Unsplash

Live your life. Get out of the mold. Help others. Live happily.
You fall. Get back up. Release the emotion. Laugh freely.

On my spiritual journey and it feels like I’m a newborn. No I don’t feel bad because I am learning on my own terms. No add-vice. No feedback. Doing my own research. Dig and dig to find the truth so I can pass this torch.

2021 is one of my years of elevation. I’m getting more confidence, more bravado, a big rotation.

Photo Captured By: AARN GIRI on Unsplash

If you forget who you are, that’s okay, because no you didn’t. You are a caterpillar growing inside to what is hidden. You are not stuck. You are in the past that no longer exist. So take that time, relax, do your metamorphosis.

Photo Captured By: Zachary Kyra-Derksen on Unsplash

Life is hitting you hard because you are in the middle of a process. To be done, you can’t go around, you have to get through for a complete success.

Before you know it you’ll look up, see something new. Starting new habits, having better judgement, something the past you couldn’t do.

Photo Captured By: Edward Howell

Keep it going because you are a divine being, and forever growing.
The only time you freeze is when turning to a routine which stops life from flowing.

This is only some of what I’ve learned so far.
Cheers to you and 2021; I’m glad you made it, persevere, always remember who you are.

Photo Captured By: Micheal Dziedzic on Unsplash

I’m going to stop the poem now because knowledge is never-ending. Speak what you want because the universe is always listening.

Photo Captured By: Bruno Emmanuelle on Unsplash
Photo Captured By: Shot By Cerqueira on Unsplash

Peace and love to all the readers.

If this poem resonates with you please like and comment ❤. I really do love interacting with people about my art!



The Shadows Creative Source

I AM A CREATIVE. Professional Model. Mom. Poet. Visionary. I create from my soul, my truth, the divine, and from the shadows. I am my shadows creative source 🌠