Shadow Analytics
3 min readAug 28, 2018

Shadow is excited to announce the release of a revolutionary new feature for our League of Legends clients: automated scrim data collection powered by the first commercially available computer vision technology for LoL teams, designed and tested in partnership with professional teams like Echo Fox.

Making Pro Teams’ Lives Better

We built this new tech to solve a major problem faced by every pro LoL team: lack of access to valuable game data from scrims. Since pro teams play their scrims on the Tournament Realm, it’s not possible to pull match data from the usual API. If a team wants to measure some aspect of their performance in scrims, their only option, until now, has been painstaking manual data entry in spreadsheets, with custom formulas or data tables to answer every minor question. That’s a costly, repetitive, time-consuming chore, which is why so many teams don’t even bother trying to gather anything but the most basic scrim stats.

The lack of data access is a huge problem. Consider that a typical pro LoL team plays between 20 and 30 scrims each week, and as few as 2 games on stage. In other words, the data available to teams covers less than 10% of their organized play, creating a huge gap in their ability to learn from their practice time and maximize their preparation each week.

To fill the scrim data gap, we built a simple, powerful system that automates scrim data collection and feeds insights into all of Shadow’s existing features. Now teams can not only save time and keep their scrim tracking more organized, but also learn from their scrims with Shadow’s broad toolset, digging into player champion pool analysis, draft preparation, trend discovery, and statistical deep-dives.

How it Works

The backbone of the system is computer vision technology powered by multiple complex algorithms and neural networks. That may sound intimidating, but from the user’s perspective, it’s actually very simple. The team’s coach or analyst simply uploads a video recording of their scrim from the spectator view and our tech does the rest, reading the video and recording and interpreting the on-screen information to translate the icons and numbers into actionable data. Everything streams directly into Shadow’s suite of analytical features.

At launch, Shadow’s scrim data tech will record every kill, tower, dragon, Baron, inhibitor, and more, along with constant monitoring of each team’s gold earned. We’ll regularly be adding more data points, limited only by the information shown on-screen in the spectator client. And since everything happens in the cloud, we can even reprocess earlier scrim videos to arm teams with deeper historical data as we continue to roll out upgrades.

Get Started Today

Our new feature is available now to existing clients, and ready for trials from other interested teams. If you’re part of a pro or collegiate team and would like to schedule a demo of the scrim data tech, as well as all of our other powerful features, email or head to

Shadow Analytics is game-changing analytics for the world’s best esports teams and broadcasters. Supporting CS:GO, LoL, and Dota 2. Imprint: