Lessons From Sir Bronn of Black Water Bay in GOT

3 min readMay 21, 2019


Bronn, just Bronn. He would likely qualify as an outlaw from his first scene back in season 1 of GOT. With no background story asides that he’s a low-born sellsword of great skill and cunning from the kingdom of Westeros to his character. We could also tell of his loves for gold and his twisted, effective sense of worldly matters, a vigilante by himself and for himself. He’s the kind of Robin Hood, who steals from the rich and gives it to himself. lol!

This guy right there came out to be the most strategic individual who had his eyes on some set goals. Every fight, every deal he made with the Lannisters and every of his move was an intentionally strategic one that brought him closer to achieving his set goals.

Bronn is a great fighter, but more importantly, he is street-smart. He has no morals and works only for money. He knows when to say no; when Tyrion asks him to fight for in his place against The Mountain, he politely declines knowing well the risk is not worth taking. The burden of morals is too heavy to carry in his world and Bronn knows it all too well. That’s what helps him survive and with a richer reward too.

He had nothing and wanted everything from wealth, a castle, wife and a good name to just “Bronn”. Certainly, he has no interest in the Iron Throne neither did he involve himself in the game of who to rule over the seven kingdoms/realm. He wanted a retirement plan, something he can boldly call his own.
He knew death could ultimately deter him from actualizing these set vision, so he tried to avoid death as much as he can. He could have easily fought with the mountain in place of the Dornish prince who stupidly died shamefully but he knew his facts. His chances of winning that fight were so slim, he could be small and swift with the right skill set but, a single wrong move can give him away and lead to his death. This dude chose his fight right instead of fighting aimlessly for some queen. For him, it was about what he can get out of the deal/fight.

I so love how he eventually became Lord of the high garden and the master of coins in the final episode of GOT. Call it selfish or whatever you may. He did actualize his dreams, he knew what he wanted and worked aimlessly for it.

Your background shouldn’t put your back on the ground, know what you want and be intentional about it. Season 8 Episode 6 was the beginning of a new dawn. Several enormous houses have perished and it was time for a new chapter and new name to emerge.

To the cast and crew of GOT thank you for ending such a historical movie that made our lifetime. The show has indeed brought millions around the world together. What a great time to be alive.




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