The pillow of comfort

It’s time to share the burden — because It's needed

Shaf Ahmed
4 min readOct 25, 2019
A depiction of mental illnesses

Do you know that around 8 million people die every year just due to mental illness, and the numbers are increasing!

They all say, share the pain to reduce it. But, what If we are a living sack of sorrow, with no moment to rejuvenate anymore! Let’s not be that person ever and in order to make sure that no one becomes that, we have to come out of comfort zone and take serious steps in order to play our part in abolishing this abhorrent root of torment, that is mental illness.

Problem statement:

Most of the people suffer from the pain, they don’t deserve.

This pain could be driven by any sort of act, like improper career path, the pressure of being uplift, unable to run a family or sinking to a thought of repentance.

I’m sure we all have some intimidating thoughts scratching our soul out of the body, thrusting us into the well of enigma and waiting for us to be demolished to every pore.

Drowning in own mayhem of thoughts

This constant pain causes depression that stays with us like a shadow and leave us no where but with mental illness leading to suicide.

I personally interviewed some of my friends, relatives and people from neighborhood who had suffered or had witnessed a person who had suffered mental illness.

The big puzzle had always left me with the only three chunks and that were,

  1. Depression
  2. Childhood Mishap
  3. Family/Peer pressure

Even though there are many other reasons as well but these were the prominent ones.

The shattering soul


If I would say that there’s a cause behind every suicide and it is depression, that it would not be false at all. It is major contributor in slitting the nerves of people not strong enough anymore to handle their cascade of depressing thoughts. This depression has taken more lives than any fatal disease. This depression can be caused by not fulfilling expectations of either family or people above us in a company setup. It can even be the bad grades that a child had got in his middle exams, because it can be due to a very little cause and yet can leave a massive impact.

Nothing can torment you as much as your own thoughts

Some pains can only be felt

-Childhood Mishap

Another reason behind mental illness is an unpleasant event, that can be child abuse, bullying or depriving of parents, happened in the childhood leaving a deep dark impression to the person hurting the soul and tearing it into pieces. These shattered fragments then never find a way to amend themselves to make a soul again and the person lives with the coarse pain forever curbing it inside until it stops the person to live anymore. Such incidents can be devastating in order to give mental illness to a person.

There are wounds that never show up on the body yet they are deeper and hurtful than anything that bleeds.

The unnecessary pressures

-Peer/Family pressure:

The thing that gives mental illness like a catapult’s shot is none other than pressure, by peers or family. Sadly most of the times parents pressurize their children so much that they could not handle it and went off track so badly that they had to give up their lives. How sad would it be that a bad grade takes a life in return just because parents would not accept it. And other people contributing in giving people insomnia in the easiest way possible are the peers in educational or working environment. Most of the people get affected by this pressure and end up under the grave. As they think they are far behind and cannot cope up with their peers.

A lot of parents will do anything for their kids except letting them be themselves. — Banksy

Basically all of these lead to uneven thinking pattern that triggers irregularities in mind. I have personally seen this evil of mental illness playing havoc with people and making them realize that they don’t worth anymore, forcing them to take their lives forever, which in every case should always be prohibited.

So in order to tackle this, I came up with an idea of giving these people a space where they can speak their heart out and ease their burden. In order to reduce the numbers of people suffering from it, motivational sessions would be given by the best motivators and most importantly the survivors of this dilemma as it would automatically connect them neurologically. The session would also be providing entrepreneurial ideas and possible aid to overcome any hurdle that might cause in depression later on. One important thing is that it would also target early victims and be giving them proper counseling on choosing the right career path and excelling in it, in order to minimize the chances to face depression.

It is a two way process, we must be willing to come out of darkness first, then someone would be able to drag us out.

