Azure Basic VM Creation

Shafik Hasna
3 min readNov 20, 2023


Step By Step

· Sign in to the Azure portal.

· In the Azure portal, search for and select Virtual machines and, on the Virtual machines blade, click + Create, click + Azure virtual machine.

· On the Basics tab of the Create a virtual machine blade, specify the following settings

1. Subscription: Azure subscription

2. Resource Group: create new and assigin a name

3. VM name: a unique Name

4. Region: where you need the VM to be located

5. AV option: scaling and availability option (Zone level, Machine set level)

6. Security type: standard or trusted.

7. Image: the OS level, Windows, Linux, etc

8. Size: VM resource specs

9. Username & PW to access the VM locally

· Click Next: Disks > and, on the Disks tab of the Create a virtual machine blade, specify the following settings

1. OS Disk size

2. Type : SSD or HDD

3. Data Disk: to add extra Disk

· Click Next: Networking > and, on the Networking tab of the Create a virtual machine blade, click Create new below the Virtual network textbox.

1. Create new VNET

2. Specify the address space and subnet

3. Add Public IP

4. You can ignore LB setting

· Click Next: Management > and, on the Management tab of the Create a virtual machine blade, specify the following settings

You can check on Azure AD to assign access via Azure AD accounts

Leave other setting as default

· Click Next: Monitoring > and, on the Monitoring tab of the Create a virtual machine blade, specify the following settings

1. Highly recommended to check on Alerts and enable all default alerts “that extra payment via your subscription”

2. Leave the other settings as default

· Click Next: Advanced >, on the Advanced tab of the Create a virtual machine blade, review the available settings without modifying any of them, and click Review + Create.

You can keep as default

· Review and create

Below are images steps



Shafik Hasna
Shafik Hasna

Written by Shafik Hasna


A competent Professional with solid experience in IT systems/ Cloud / Security projects through development life cycle, planning, designing, and implementing.

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