Friday funk — integrating hope and joy

siobhan shiels
2 min readOct 14, 2022



It’s Friday and I’m in a funk. My sleep hasn’t been great for many months and my ‘solutions’ are draining me. So instead of wallowing, I’m going to find what makes me feel good and nourish myself before the rest of my busy day kicks in.

I woke groggy and did some yoga moves to stretch my tight gripped body. Actually, each day I’m finding tightness easing just a little. (Finding hope and gratitude) I’m recognising thoughts of improvement, of hope, of health returning to my body. Every, seemingly insignificant, hopeful thought is one step closer to rewiring my circuitry which has been aimed directly at finding the worst possible outcome. By focusing on these positive thoughts I reinforce new positive neural pathways.

I’m now appreciating the autumn sun on my face. The warmth and softness it brings. The little joys in the every day accumulate and help you see the beauty in the world naturally. We all know how tumultuous times are and it’s very easy for us to live consciously and unconsciously through fear. Today I want to share a free app that is helping me cultivate gratitude in my everyday. Happy Feed reminds me each day to recount at least three moments of joy and gratitude. I truly believe this is actively helping me see a brighter future and find the tiny joys in each day.

We are wired to seek safety and avoid danger. Our wiring was created when we were hunter-gatherers, living on and of the land. We did not have devices that told us about every danger possible happening across the globe and beyond right now. I’ve severely reduced my time reading news and I no longer use social media. I’m doing my best to be of the land again, spend time in nature every day and appreciate all that I encounter.

On that note, I’m getting outside for a short walk with my aging dog Molly. I wish you find your joy in the every day, a little bit at a time.

