“Ron DeSantis: From Governor to Presidential Candidate?”

Daily Prompt News
2 min readJul 7, 2023


Introduction: Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida has been making headlines recently, both for his accomplishments in office and his potential aspirations for higher office. From his successful handling of the Hurricane Michael Housing Construction Program to his tour of early voting states as a possible presidential candidate, DeSantis has been making waves in the political landscape.

Successful Conclusion of Hurricane Michael Housing Construction Program: In a recent announcement, Governor Ron DeSantis revealed that the Hurricane Michael Housing Construction Program has reached its successful conclusion. The program successfully reconstructed 977 homes in 20 areas affected by the devastating hurricane. This accomplishment highlights DeSantis’ commitment to rebuilding communities and providing assistance to those in need.

Presidential Candidate? While serving as Florida’s governor, Ron DeSantis has also caught the attention of political pundits as a potential presidential candidate. His recent tour of early voting states, such as South Carolina, has showcased his personal side and allowed him to connect with voters on a national level. DeSantis’ military background as a former member of the United States Navy adds to his appeal, although it’s important to note that his military service should not be seen as an endorsement.

Focus on Civics Education: One of DeSantis’ notable initiatives as governor is his push for “civics” education in Florida. The curriculum centers around patriotism and America’s founding principles, aiming to instill a strong sense of civic responsibility in students. This emphasis on teaching the fundamentals of democracy has gained attention and has been praised by some as a positive step towards educating future generations on the importance of active citizenship.

Casey DeSantis’ Role: Although the focus is often on Ron DeSantis, his wife Casey DeSantis has also played a significant role in his political career. Casey has been seen at the governor’s side during important events and has become an influential figure in her own right. This dynamic adds depth to the couple’s presence in the public eye and their impact within the realm of politics.

