Implementing the A3C Algorithm to train an Agent to play Breakout!

Shagun Maheshwari
7 min readOct 12, 2018


Deep reinforcement learning is dominating the AI world with it’s psychology based model mimicking the way we humans learn and get better at a task.

This differs from supervised learning ML models, as their training data comes with an answer key from some “Godlike” supervisor in order for the model to learn and output accurately. (Only if life worked that way! Lol)

Reinforcement Learning is more realistic in the sense that the agent in the environment learns from experience and exploration. There is no magical answer key that is rewarded to the agent, but rather smaller keys in the form of rewards. The agent will interact with it’s environment, look at the state it is in, and then carry out an action that results in a new state. After carrying out an action and entering a new state, the agent will get a reward from the environment depending how good or bad that action was. This process turns into a loop allowing the agent to improve it’s actions based on the positive/negative reinforcement from the rewards when entering a new state. Reinforcement learning is goal oriented, the goal being to maximize long-term reward in order for the agent to learn through trial-and-error and output it’s desired task accurately.

The agent observes the environment, takes an action to interact with the environment, and receives positive or negative reward.

My Implementation: A3C to play Breakout

A3C is currently one of the most powerful algorithms in deep reinforcement learning. It is basically like the smarter, cooler, hotter sibling of Deep Q networks. I was fascinated by the capabilities with this algorithm so I implemented it to learn and play an ol Atari game called Breakout. My purpose was to see if the A3C model could indefinitely play the game as well as a human, and even surpass it’s capabilities.

Diagram of A3C high-level architecture.

The 3 A’s of A3C: Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic.

Yeah, I know it’s quite the mouthful but don’t worry, we’ll unpack the heavy loaded name, then unpack the mechanics of the algorithm itself. Get excited!!

In order to understand the A3C model, we first have to understand the core of it, which is Deep Convolutional Q Learning.

Deep Convolutional Q Learning

^That’s kind of a mouthful as well, there’s going to be a lot of mouthfuls during this article.

Deep Convolutional Q Learning is basically Q-learning but with deep neural networks.

Q-Learning is a reinforcement learning method that uses the Bellman’s equation to update it’s Q-values. The Q-value [Q(s,a)] determines the value of the agent being in a certain state and taking a certain action to go to that state.

This algorithm calculates the Q-values of taking every action at every state, helping the agent make decisions on it’s next move.

The Bellman’s equation.

Only problem with this is that the Bellman equation only works best and is used in problems/scenarios where there are a small amount of states for the algorithm to calculate.

If we want our agent to be able to preform tasks and solve complex challenges like a human and even outperform a human, we need our model to mimic more human behaviour.

As humans what key factors do we use to retain information and understand our environment?

Our senses, duh!

More specifically our eyes.

We use our eyes to perceive the world around us, gain information, process it and then make decisions.

This means we need to figuratively give our agent “sight” for it to maximize long term reward in it’s environment.

Now this is the part Deep Convolution Q learning comes into play.

Deep Convolution Q learning gives the agent vision.

Now the agent actually has vision of it’s environment the same way a human would when playing the game.

The agent processes the images the environment supplies it, through a convolution and pooling layer. Through these layers, the images will be dissected in understanding which state the agent is in and where are the obstacles in the agents environment located.

The outputs of the convolution and pooling layer will then be flattened into numerical vectors to be inputted into the input layer of the artificial neural network.

The final (output layer) of the artificial neural network outputs a vector of different predicted Q(s, a) values for each action possible in the given state. We need to take the biggest Q-value of this vector to find our best action.

However in the beginning, the agent does really badly, this is because our predicted Q-values aren’t optimized as our neural networks weights aren’t optimized.

In our case, we want to update our neural nets weights to reduce the error.

The error (or TD error) is calculated by taking the difference between our Q_target (maximum possible value from the next state) and Q_value (our current prediction of the Q-value)

Equation to find the error by subtracting the q-target by the predicted q-value.

The error or loss function is then back propagated through our neural network to update the weights so the neural network can output the prediction of actions that result in positive reward.

First A of A3C: Actor-Critic

Now we finally get to the juicy stuff and get to implement the A3C model on top of our deep convolutional q learning algorithm.

Actor-Critic model

The Actor-Critic is basically like the brain of the A3C model. At it’s core it implements deep convolution Q learning, however the neural network now outputs two different items. The Actor and the Critic.

  • The Critic measures how good the action taken is (value-based) V(s)
  • The Actor outputs a set of action probabilities the agent can take (policy-based) Q(s,a)

Basically, the agent uses the value estimate (the critic) to update the policy (the actor) so that the actor can output better actions that result in a higher reward.

The code implementation of the A3C brain with deep convolution Q learning and the actor and critic.

2nd A of A3C: Asynchronous

Unlike DQN, where a single agent represented by a single neural network interacts with a single environment, A3C utilizes 3 agents attacking the same environment while being initialized differently. This means that each of these agents start at a different point in their environment so they will go through the same environment in different ways to solve the same problem.

The purpose of this is that the agents can share their experience with one another and help each other out while exploring their environment in different ways.

This possible because all the agents are now contributing to the same Critic.

There is one global network now shared between all 3 agents as the critic will help the Q-values of each agent improve.

Final A of A3C: Advantage

The Advantage is how the Critic tells the Actor that it’s predicted Q-values from the ANN are good or bad. It calculates the policy loss.

This is calculated through the Advantage equation.

Advantage Equation

Basically the advantage subtracts the known value of a state [V(s)] from the predicted selected action from the Actor [Q(s,a)].

The critic knows the value of state but it doesn’t know how much better the Q-value that is being selected compared to the current value of state. This is where the advantage comes in. The higher the advantage, the more the agents will look at doing those actions.

The policy loss helps to improve the agent’s behaviour by making them do more of the positive actions rather than the negative impacting ones.

If the Actor selects a good action for the agent then the Q(s,a) > V(s)

If not then the policy loss is back propagated through the Global Network, also adjusting the weights in order to maximize Advantage and improve the selected action for the future.

A3C Coming all together

Below is a pretty good looking diagram of the training workflow of each agent with the global network.

Training workflow of each worker agent in A3C.


Using the A3C algorithm I was able to implement it to train my agent to play the Atari game Breakout!

Full code for Breakout!

Snippet of the code used to run the neural network and the actor and critic

This code ties in the Atari game environment, the neural network and trains the Agent and the Critic.

The final video recorded version of my trained agent playing the Atari game Breakout using the A3C algorithm, can be seen below.

As you can see in the first test, the agent has poor output and isn’t moving in it’s environment.

Now during the 4th trial you can see the agent playing the game fairly well.

And finally during the Last trial you can see the agent playing breakout extremely well!

You the Agent must now take an action to earn a positive reward!

You’re Predicted Q(s,a) values are to:

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Shagun Maheshwari

16 year old machine learning developer interested in philosophy, programming and gaining new experiences.