Apocalypse Of Abraham

Shahada Mission
4 min readMay 29, 2024


Photo by K. Mitch Hodge on Unsplash

According to scholars/historians, the Apocalypse of Abraham was composed approximately between 70–150 CE, which is before the time of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. It predicts the coming of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ; hence, it can be deduced that some of this text could potentially be from the time of Abraham (pbuh) as it correctly predicts the future.

The Vision of Abraham (pbuh)

The following is the vision Abraham (pbuh) had:

In his vision, Abraham (pbuh) sees a beautiful temple and notices some idols and other things. God tells him this is a temple (the Temple of Solomon) that will be given to his descendants in the future.

Abraham (pbuh) sees that the people of the Temple are being murdered by an ungodly nation (non-believers), and the Temple is being destroyed. He asks God why such a thing would happen to his descendants. God answers that some people from his descendants will worship idols and do evil in the temple, thus causing the anger of God. As retribution, they will get this punishment.

Note: It is a consensus among scholars that the temple Abraham (pbuh) saw his descendants in is the Temple of Solomon.

Fulfilment of the Vision

The Temple of Solomon was destroyed two times. So, which of the two destructions did Abraham (pbuh) see in his vision?

The Cause of the Second Temple’s Destruction:

Reference: Jesus Predicts The Destruction Of Jerusalem And The Temple In 70 A.D.

  • Christians believe that the reason why the Second Temple was destroyed was because the Jews rejected Jesus (pbuh) as the Messiah.
  • It is widely proven that the destruction of the Second Temple has nothing to do with idols being in it.

The Cause of the First Temple’s Destruction

Reference: Temple of Solomon

The First Temple was destroyed because:

  1. The descendants of Abraham (pbuh) angered God due to their persistence in sin, specifically the worship of idols, which were present in the Temple.
  2. The people of the Temple were murdered by “ungodly people” (the non-believing Babylonian people).
  3. The evidence above shows that the destruction of the First Temple (587 BCE) meets the criteria of the vision Abraham (pbuh) had. Mainly, the worship of idols in the Temple differentiates the two events.

The Chosen One

In this section, it will be mathematically proven that the Chosen One mentioned in the Apocalypse of Abraham is the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

  • Abraham (pbuh) is told that “one hour of the age” equals 100 years. He then asks how long will this be for. God replies that there shall be 12 periods of the hour of the age of ungodliness (12 x 100 years = 1200 years).
  • Abraham (pbuh) then sees a man who is hated by some but praised by others, and is the “Relief” granted from the gentiles. He asks who this man is, and God replies that this is the Chosen One who will come at the 12th hour of the age from amongst his descendants (the Arabs), and he will end the periods of ungodliness (Shirk/Kufr).

Calculating the Year the Chosen One Will Be There

The Destruction of Temple of Solomon = 587 BCE

12 Periods of Ungodliness = 12 x 100 = 1200 Years

Year the Chosen One Will Be There = -587 + 1200 = 613 AD


The Apocalypse of Abraham undoubtedly predicts/shows that the Chosen One is the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. This is because of the following reasons:

  1. He is the descendant of Abraham (pbuh)
  2. He was hated by some but praised by others
  3. He was the “Relief” granted from the gentiles
  4. He was present in the year 613 AD
  5. He ended the periods (12) of ungodliness (Shirk/Kufr)

See the video ahead for an in-depth explanation:

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