Is the Darwinian Theory of Evolution Fact?

Shahada Mission
5 min readJun 3, 2024


Photo by Eugene Zhyvchik on Unsplash

The notion that there’s only 1 percent of difference in DNA comparing Humans DNA and Apes isn’t true.

This notion comes from the study in 1975 by Allan Wilson and Mary-Claire King which I bet you didn’t even know where it came from until now. That paper has been criticised by Jon Cohen and he quotes a couple of people in an article:

“For many, many years, the 1% difference served us well because it was under-appreciated how similar we were,” … “Now it’s totally clear that it’s more a hindrance for understanding than a help.” -Pascal Gagneux

“I don’t think there’s any way to cal- culate a number,…” -Svante Pääbo

A more in depth video on this topic here.

Argument of the Day:

DNA Is the evidence that we have a common ancestry. Assuming we have similar DNA with apes, this argument can’t be made if you look at homology and homoplasy. Even in DNA levels you’d be incorrect to argue that we have common ancestry. There is counter examples to this notion. For example, bats and whales.

That itself refutes that DNA is the definite determining factor of common ancestry since we have convergent evolution.

If Evolutionist Atheist still doesn’t want to acknowledge that the problem of homology still present, look no further than science and the philosophers of science themselves such as Andrew Inkpen and Ford Doolittle.

It is claimed that the genes of chimpanzees and humans bear a 98% similarity and assume that this shows their closeness, which is used as evidence for the theory of evolution.

In order to claim that the genetic structures of human beings and chimpanzees bear a 98% similarity, the entire chimpanzee genetic code would have to be mapped, in the way the human one has. Then the two would have to be compared, to obtain the results. Yet no such results are yet available: While the human genetic map has been completed, the chimpanzee equivalent has not. In fact, the “98% similarity between human and ape genes” slogan was deliberately produced for propaganda purposes many years ago.

This “similarity” is a highly exaggerated generalization, based on a similarity in the amino acid sequences in between 30 and 40 of the basic proteins present in man and ape. Sequence analysis of the DNA strings corresponding to these proteins was performed using a method known as “DNA hybridization.” and only these limited proteins were compared. Yet there are around 30,000 genes in human beings and these genes encode some 200,000 proteins.

There is thus no scientific justification for claiming, on the basis of a similarity in 40 proteins out of 200,000, any 98% resemblance between human and ape genetics. The DNA comparison of those 40 proteins is also questionable. Two biologists named Charles Sibley and Jon Edward Ahlquist carried out the comparison in 1987 and published the results in the Journal of Molecular Evolution.(Hubert Journal of Molecular Evolution, Vol. 26, pp. 99–121.)

A scientist by the name of Sarich examined their data and concluded that they’d used a method of questionable reliability and had exaggeratedly interpreted the data.(Sarich et al., Cladistics, Vol: 5, 1989, pp. 3–32.) The structures of the protein in all living things bear a close similarity to those proteins in human beings. For example, genetic analyses reported in New Scientist revealed a 75% similarity between the DNA of nematodes (millimeter-long worms that dwell in the soil) and humans!( Karen Hopkin, “The Greatest Apes,” New Scientist, May 15, 1999, p. 27.) This, of course, does not imply that there is only a 25% difference between human beings and nematodes. Another comparison shows when the genes of the fruit fly species Drosophila were compared with human genes, a 60% similarity was determined. (“Fruit Fly Gene Success,” BBC News, 18 February, 2000.)

Analyses of some proteins seem to show that man is actually closer to very different living things. . In one study performed at Cambridge University, certain proteins in terrestrial organisms were compared. Astonishingly, in almost all the specimens involved, human beings and chickens were found to bear the closest relationship to one another. Our next closest relative is the lizard.(Mike Benton, “Is a Dog More Like Lizard or a Chicken?” New Scientist, Vol. 103, August 16, 1984, p. 19.)

According to new studies about how creatures should evolve, they estimated the period of time needed to have two mutations and to be fixed in certain species in order to evolve, and the first mutation should remove the first genetic information to replace them and the second one to take it’s place, and they found that the period of time needed for such a process for small creatures, like fruit flies, would need a couple millions of years, and in the case of humans, because they’re larger and more protected from mutations and also since it’s much harder to fix anything inside them (i.e. fixing mutations in humans), so they will take a period of time around 100 million years. However, not one fossil dates back 100 million years, but actually the oldest “human ancestor” alleged by scientists are the Australopithecus afarensis, which dates back to only 5.4 million years at most, which is highly problematic and controversial, since the time frame needed for evolution is 100 million years, but they only got 5.4% of that time frame.

In the case of other mammals, it’s similar to humans, for example whales, they need 46 million years, but they only have 10 million years archaeologically, which isn’t enough at all. Even natural selection can’t work with such pressure, and studies in 2022 proved that natural selection is useless and should be replaced before killing the theory.

Scientific And Rational Dismantle of Evolution:

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