The Marriage of Aisha

Shahada Mission
4 min readJun 10, 2024


Photo by Filipp Romanovski on Unsplash

In today’s era, there exist numerous criticisms of Islam put forward by non-Muslims. One particular criticism revolves around the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ marrying one young in age, as mentioned in the ḥadīth found in Bukhārī and Muslim where ʿĀʾisha states that she married the Prophet at the age of six and the marriage was consummated when she was nine. There are many issues with the preposterous narratives that Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was a pedophile, especially considering all his other marriages were with older women.

Two fantastic must watch videos covering this topic in detail:

People who claim this allegation mostly do the following things:

5.Leaving important information about the marriage and consummation.

Human Sexuality and It’s Problems
Human Sexuality and It’s Problems
The Spirit of the Laws

Ishaq [bin Rahawayh] narrated to us on the authority of Zakariyya bin ‘Adi from Abu Malih [Al-Raqiy] from Habib bin Abi Marzuq that ‘Aisha said: “When a girl reaches nine years of age she is a woman.”¹ Explaining this narration al-Bayhaqi says: it means, “[at nine] she menstruates and thus is a woman, and Allah knows better.”² ¹ Harb bin Isma’il Al-Kirmani, Masa’il (Al-Taharah wa Al-Salah), Ed. Muhammad bin Abdullah Al-Sari’ (Beirut: Al-Rayan Publishers, 2013) 587, №1289. ² Al-Bayhaqi, Abu Bakr, Sunan al-Kubra, Vol.1, 476.

Since life expectancy back then were quite low, it’s unreasonable and unjust to expect people to get married and have a family a couple years before they are expected to die.

From these narrations, we can tell that Aisha(may Allah be pleased with her) was not only mature at the age of 9, but that this was not an isolated occurrence in Arabia. These narrations only further demonstrate the self dillusion of those who attack the Prophet(peace and blessings upon him) using this marriage.

History of Psychosocial (Pink) Verses Physical (Green) Maturation

Reference: Evolution, development and timing of puberty gluckman2006–1.pdf

Psychosocial maturation resulted in physical maturation (menstruation) soon after.

Despite being physically mature, psychosocial maturity is delayed. Note: The box outlined in red indicates the time period that Aisha (رضي الله عنها) lived in.

From these narrations, we can tell that Aisha(may Allah be pleased with her) was not only mature at the age of 9, but that this was not an isolated occurrence in Arabia. These narrations only further demonstrate the self dillusion of those who attack the Prophet(peace and blessings upon him) using this marriage.

Article that covers this topic in aditional detail:

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