GoPro Studio Should Be Made Illegal

Shahar Solomianik
2 min readJan 25, 2015


GoPro has a problem. You watch awesome GoPro clips on Facebook and Youtube, you’re amazed with the quality of the image and the performance of the athletes, and then you buy your own GoPro wanting to be able to impress your friends with such an action with you as a hero. After all, “Be a hero” is what they sell you.

But then you mount it and film, and regardless of your own abilities in the specific action sport of your choosing, you find out that you have a more or less awesome footage, but to turn it to such an awesome video clip like the one who sold you GoPro originally, is quite impossible by your own. You’re not a video editor.

So there’s the gap between the GoPro promise, and the GoPro reality, and the fact is that most GoPro footage is left unused, dusty on some hard drive or cloud storage.

And that’s exactly why I started xcut, to help those people out. But then I hear a bunch of people telling me that its uselss because there’s GoPro Studio which is “easy”.

So yeah, I admit it, GoPro Studio is by far the most user friendly video editing software I’ve ever seen. It does hold to its promise. But the fact it is easy, doesn’t turn you into a video editor.

I’d like to stop writing and demonstrate that with two simple examples. The exact same footage, edited twice. Once by the user himself using GoPro Studio:

And then the work done by xcut, where a pro human editor did the work:

Now watch those two clips and tell me yourself. Shouldn’t GoPro Studio be made illegal?

