a reiteration of life

Jul 24, 2022


a highlight reel, where dealing bad hands is customary.

SEPTEMBER (exposition)
resurgence of a thriving soul, a sudden disconnect from self, the renewal of birth, an exploration of tragedy, trips back home.

OCTOBER (exposition)
sleepless nights tainted with grief, the fall back into routines, the illusion of normalcy

NOVEMBER (conflict)
homesickness, vivid dreams, anxiety stained ambition.

DECEMBER (rising action)
reunions, a full plate, the creation of persona

JANUARY (rising action cont.)
inhibitions, physical threats and hot showers

FEBRUARY (climax)
my own little tragedy, lost trust, cotton candy, and alliances

MARCH (climax)
unconventional travel, frostbite, a simultaneous birth and death of dreams, a physical manifestation of patience.

APRIL (conflict)
tears for the sake of tears, deceit, scarfs and anoraks, looming threats

MAY (falling action)
china doll is buried alive, routine, promises held with invisible string, and unconventional friendships

a shift of mindset and misplaced trust.

