What is Shirk

2 min readNov 22, 2022

Belief in monotheism is the first belief of man, polytheism and all its forms are later creations. The first man of the world believed in monotheism. The first human was Hazrat Adam (peace be upon him). He was the first prophet of Allah Almighty. He also taught the same faith to his children, but as the human population increased and people began to scatter here and there, gradually people forgot the true teachings and became misguided and began to believe in many gods instead of one Allah. He made them gods along with Allah.These people were so frightened by what they saw as dangerous that they mistook it for a god and started worshiping it, thus they created a god of fire, a god of the sea and gods of winds etc. On the other hand, he also started worshiping the things that benefited him. The worship of cows etc. started for this reason. To guide these people, Allah Almighty sent several prophets one after the other, who reminded them of the forgotten lesson of monotheism and condemned polytheism. Shirk has been called a great injustice in the Holy Quran.

Allah Almighty says:
Surah Luqman verse 13:
Indeed, polytheism is a great injustice.
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