My #2 Call with WIT program coach Paavini Nanda

A coach is someone that sees beyond your limits and guides you to greatness.

Bhairavi Shah
3 min readSep 23, 2018

My second appear call turned out to be much better than the first. Few reasons why :

  1. Less nervous
  2. More excited
  3. Better prepped than last time
Appear Call

This time the best part was that none of us had any serious connectivity issues. This made the conversations more fun as we didn’t have to keep repeating the same thing like last time.

Preparation is vital.

Our call was scheduled to be on 24th September Sunday, 7pm instead of 23rd September Saturday, 7:45pm. This was because our coach Paavini Nanda was travelling to Houston for the GHC scholarship. We asked her about her stay and experience till now, and she replied telling us about her new friends, flight and the jet lag. I am even more excited than she is.

I had a few questions for her on my mind for this time. I asked her for feedback about the bot I made recently using DialogFlow. You can check out more here about my bot :

She asked me to add more questions and train the bot more in order to make it user friendly. I even asked her certain doubts on how I could add links or websites and make it look better. amiya abraham asked her about her RGSoC experience. Paavini explained how wonderful it was, she even mentioned that her mentor was so helpful and supportive.

Paavini asked us how our open source contributions were going on. She even asked us to apply for Outreachy and told us that we shouldn’t miss such opportunities. On our second call we all were a little more comfortable with each other. We asked her what her hobbies were, what she did in her free time, where she was actually from and where she did her schooling from.

We then said bye and wished her the best of luck for the upcoming conference. Me and amiya abraham chatted about our WIT learning program experiences for a few minutes. I even helped her with a few queries she had regarding medium and even regarding the making of her demo video for the bot.

Helping your peers gives great joy.

Key Learnings :

  1. Never let opportunities slip away
  2. Learn from your mistakes and past experiences
  3. Your coach knows you best always follow their advice
  4. Get to know your peers, helping each other is one of the “best practices”
  5. Getting to know someone on a personal level will make the awkwardness between you disappear.

I would love to thank Paavini Nanda for becoming my coach. She really gives us the push and puts in the extra effort to help us.

Thankyou Arya Murali and Rethink Foundation for giving me this mind-blowing opportunity.

