An open letter to ex best friend.

Dipesh Shah
1 min readMay 8, 2019


Dear ex best friend,
If you're reading this, hope you are doing good!

It's too tough to believe that the cycle somehow
got completed, the one from strangers to best
friends to strangers back again!

I still remember days when we laughed hard on
random silly double meant jokes.

You know where exactly I did mistake? I was this
dumb to keep on believing you rather our
friendship to be strongest of all. No matter what
or how worse the situation gets, none can ever
part us where I even thought we would never
fight, misunderstandings would never overpower
Just like made it the bitter truth that
people come in our lives to leave!

They say one wrong relationship, and you won’t
be able to trust people further, but they never
said that about friendships! Relationships are
always blamed being the worst heartbreak,but
what about friendship



Dipesh Shah

i write. ( mostly one liner quote ) i love little tale. storyteller.