Introduction to Composites | Types, Uses and Applications

Shahid Naeem
2 min readAug 18, 2022


In this blog we will discuss Composites and Composites Examples. We will also talk about Polymer Matrix Composites, Metal Matrix Composites, and Ceramic Matrix Composites. We will also discuss the Role of Matrix, Role of Reinforcements, and the Role of Interface in the composite material. In the example of Composite Materials we will discuss the Composites Dental.


We know the most basic materials that are encountered and studied in the materials science are three namely metals, polymers, and ceramics. Now there is another possibility which is the combination of either two or all three of these conventional materials, that’s where the concept of composites arises.

The major components of the composite material are the matrix which is the part that is present in majority; next part is the reinforcement which is present in minority; and the last part is the interface between matrix and the reinforcements.

Now the question arises, why do we need composite? Aren’t there already like a bazillion materials existing so why do need more? And the answer is always a simple one; to get better quality with the products we use. For example plastic is a material which does not possess a lot of strength but what it possessed is low production cost and it is light weight. Our need is that we need to increase the strength of the polymer material along with low weight.


