Introduction to Electroactive Polymers | Types, Properties and Uses

Shahid Naeem
1 min readAug 10, 2022


In this blog you will be able to learn about Electroactive Polymers and Types of Electroactive Polymers. We will also discuss about Electroactive Polymers Examples and Electroactive Polymers Uses

Electroactive Polymers

Electroactive polymers (EAP) are a kind of polymers that show a modification in size or form once exposed to electrical stimuli. Since a huge amount of intensive analysis has been carried out on these sorts of good materials, a most of 300% and higher than strain has been discovered in these materials.

Actuators are the foremost common application of those materials which might imitate precisely the movement observed in animal muscles due to nerve impulses. It’s for this reason that these materials are called artificial muscles. There are many sorts of EAP however they’re largely classified into 2 major categories: electric and ionic EAPs.

There are several samples of ionic EAPs however the foremost vital ones are ionic compound metal composites, carbon nanotubes, ionic polymer gels, conductive polymers and electro rheological fluid. Samples of electrical EAPs embrace electricity polymers, electrostrictive polymers, insulator elastomers, liquid elastomers, and ferroelectric polymers

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