Shahliza Falak
3 min readDec 29, 2022

The Enigma machine is a secret restricted the messaging machine invented by German engineer Arthur Scherbius that was used back in 20-century by Nazi Germany for secret restricted messages during World War II within all branches of the German military. The Enigma machine has one of the highest levels of security for top-secret messages.


The Enigma looks like a typewriter. The machine has a mechanism that has three rotors. The machine has an algorithm that can write 26 letters at a time and substitute one letter into another to encrypt the message, one person is assumed to write those 26 letters of Enigma text on the Enigma keyboard and the other person is assumed to write those Enigma keyboard alphabets to paper and then transfigure it into an understandable form to read and these alphabets changes daily and the connectivity of mechanism of machine substitute regularly at that time through the key-list that already assigned earlier between them. The security is so settled that a simple Enigma Machine has 150 million and above settings because every time you enter an alphabet it turns out to be another like if you enter an alphabet ‘v’ a light pops up as an alphabet ‘a’ and again if you press ‘v’ the light pop up as an alphabet ‘e’ and this makes Enigma text code unbreakable.


Surprisingly Marian Rejewski (Polish mathematician) was the first who broke the electrical flaws and plugboard of Enigma using mathematical permutation group theory and afterward he was accomplished to break the Enigma text along with his two students Jerzy Rozycki and Henryk Zygalski, but unfortunately, they were inadequate to transform the Enigma text into a plan readable and understandable form as the German military makes change regularly in Enigma machine which had made more complex in converting the Enigma restricted code and then they inform this news and handed the list of readable codes to the British Government.

Military Enigma machine( model Enigma I) used back then in the 1930s, displayed at Museo Nazionale Scienza e Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci

Alan Turing was the one who broke the code and transformed all Enigma text into a crystal-clear understandable appearance. Afterward, the British Government would know all assignments and operations of the German Military Armed Forces.

Alan Mathison Turing along with Gordan Welchman made a machine called Bombe to break the German Enigma Code, within weeks of arriving at Bletchley Park. The bombe, with an enhancement suggested by mathematician Gordon Welchman. They created a machine called bombe that can find Enigma settings in just 15 minutes and discover which setting Enigma used and became one of the primary tools, and the major automated one used to attack Enigma-enciphered messages. The machine Bombe cracked 84000 messages per month within hours or sometimes within minutes.

Through the intelligence of Alan Turing, and Marian Rejewski British Government was able to save millions of lives and shorten the war by two or four years, and able to overcome the German armed Forces by cracking their messages.

German Government didn’t know that their code is cracked by the British Government till 1970.



Shahliza Falak

Shahliza Falak is a young content writer from Pakistan who is currently studying software engineering.