Integrating APPWRITE with Google Cloud for beginners !!

Neel Shah
3 min readOct 20, 2022
Google Cloud Platform {GCP}

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a cloud computing platform that offers users a wide range of tools and services for managing workloads and building applications.


Appwrite is an open-source backend as a service that can be used to develop and deploy cloud-based applications.

In this article, I will show you how to use Appwrite with Google Cloud Platform to build a simple to-do application. Before we get started, you will need to have the following: — A Google Cloud Platform account — An Appwrite account If you don’t have a Google Cloud Platform account, you can sign up for one here. With appwrite after you get your account then it’s free to deploy your project.Once you have both accounts set up, you can create a new project in the Google Cloud Platform console. Give your project a name and select a region. Then, click on the Create button.

Once your project has been created, you need to enable the App Engine API. To do this, go to the API Library and search for App Engine. Then, click on the Enable button.

Now that the App Engine API is enabled, you can create a new App Engine application. To do this, go to the App Engine section of the GCP console and click on the Create Application button.

Give your application a name and select the region that you want to deploy it in. Then, click on the Create button. Once your App Engine application has been created, you need to set up Appwrite.

To do this, go to the Appwrite console and create a new project. Give your project a name and select Google Cloud Platform as the platform. Then, click on the Create button.

Once your Appwrite project has been created, you need to get the project ID. You can find this in the Settings tab of your project.

Now, go back to the App Engine section of the GCP console and click on the Deploy button. Select the App Engine application that you created earlier and click on the Deploy button.

Enter the project ID of your Appwrite project in the App ID field and click on the Deploy button. App Engine will now deploy your Appwrite project. Once your project has been deployed, you can go to the App Engine section of the GCP console and click on the URL of your application.

You should now see the Appwrite console. From here, you can use Appwrite to build your application. Appwrite has a wide range of features that you can use, including a database, user management, and file storage. For more information on how to use Appwrite, check out the documentation.



Neel Shah

A Open Source and Devops Guy , Building DevOps Communities @hashicorp @cncf @docker