How to delete System32(Windows)

Shahriz Marks
3 min readMay 13, 2020


Hello world,

Welcome to this blog. Today I am going to show you how to delete System32 which if you did not know, contains core files and and drivers necessary for Windows to function.

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Every time I say Sys32, I am referring to System32 is this particular blog.

Let’s get started!

What is Sys32 anyways?

This is the directory where all the important files are stored along with data and backups. The Sys32 folder holds executable libraries which windows needs to function. This directory present in C: drive holds all the file applications that your computer needs to operate.

What If we Delete the Sys32 Files?

It is not recommended to manipulate or delete Sys32 files as this may result in dysfunction of the system. But if you are willing to delete some files then in this blog I will provide you with details to delete Sys32.

Now, how do we actually delete this important directory?

There are 2 methods with which you can do this:

Taking ownership and Deleting (Method 1)

  • Press Windows key + R (This opens the run prompt)
  • Type in ‘cmd’
Run Prompt
  • Now a window will open up
  • Type in the following command:
takeown /f C:\Windows\System32

This will give you ownership of the Sys32 folder.

  • Type in the following to gain file permissions of Sys32:
cacls C:\Windows\System32
  • Close the Command Prompt as well as any other running programs.
  • Then open the C:\ drive under My Computer folder.
  • Find the System32 folder and delete the files or the entire folder.

Gaining file permissions with TrustedInstaller(Method 2)

  • Go to the Windows folder and right-click on Sys32
  • Now open properties.
  • Go to security as shown above.
  • Click Edit
  • Now click Creator Owner and give it full control.
  • Do the same for every user group’
  • Now close the Properties
  • Just right click and Delete the folder.
  • Done!

Is it ideal to delete Sys32?


As I mentioned earlier, the Sys32 folder contains many driver files and application files which are important for windows to function. So don’t believe those memes.

Classic Meme!

That was it for the Blog. Hope to see you later!

Good Bye!



Shahriz Marks

Hacker, Pentester, Student, Cybersecurity Expert, Blogger, Youtuber, Hard Worker