Layered, Microservices, and Modular Monolithic

Shah Rukh Khan
4 min readFeb 9, 2024


When we make software, it’s like building a house. Just like there are many ways to design a house, there are different ways to build software. We call these different ways “architectures.” In this article, we’re going to talk about three popular types of software architecture: Layered, Microservices, and Modular Monolithic.

Think of Layered like a simple, straightforward house — it has everything you need, but all the parts are connected. Microservices are like a neighborhood of tiny houses, each doing its own thing but still part of a bigger community. And Modular Monolithic? It’s like a big house divided into sections, where each section can be its own mini-house inside the bigger structure.

We’re going to compare these three to help you understand which one might be the best for building your software, just like choosing the right type of house for your needs.

Understanding the Contenders

Let’s briefly define our three architectural approaches technically:

  • Layered Architecture: Traditionally used in software design, it organizes the application into layers, each with a specific responsibility. Common layers include presentation, business logic, data access, and data storage. This model promotes separation of concerns but often results in tightly coupled components.
  • Microservices Architecture: A style that structures an application as a collection of loosely coupled services, each implementing specific business capabilities. These services can be developed, deployed, and scaled independently, making this architecture ideal for complex, evolving applications.
  • Modular Monolithic Architecture: This approach combines the simplicity of a monolithic application with the flexibility of modular design. The application is built as a single unit but is divided internally into modules that can be developed and tested independently.

Comparing the Architectures


  • Layered: Offers limited modularity as changes in one layer can affect others, leading to a ripple effect.
  • Microservices: Highly modular, allowing teams to work on different services independently without impacting others.
  • Modular Monolithic: Provides modularity within the boundaries of a single application, easing development and testing without the complexities of a distributed system.


  • Layered: Generally less expensive to develop and maintain due to its straightforward deployment model and fewer operational complexities.
  • Microservices: Incurs higher costs due to the need for sophisticated deployment, monitoring, and communication mechanisms between services.
  • Modular Monolithic: Offers a cost-effective solution by avoiding the overhead of distributed systems while still providing some benefits of modularity.


  • Layered: Scalability can be challenging, as scaling often means scaling the entire application, even if only one layer requires more resources.
  • Microservices: Excellently supports scalability, allowing individual services to be scaled based on demand, which can lead to more efficient resource use.
  • Modular Monolithic: Faces similar challenges to the layered architecture in terms of scalability, as scaling usually involves the whole application.


  • Layered: Its simplicity lies in its straightforward, hierarchical organization, making it easier for new developers to understand.
  • Microservices: Complexity increases due to the distributed nature of the architecture, requiring a deep understanding of network communication, data consistency, and service discovery.
  • Modular Monolithic: Strikes a balance between simplicity and modularity, making it relatively easy to manage compared to microservices while offering better organization than a traditional layered approach.

Choosing the Right Architecture

The choice of architecture depends on various factors, including the size and scope of the project, the expertise of the development team, and the specific requirements for scalability, cost, and simplicity. Here are some considerations:

  • For small to medium-sized projects with a well-defined scope, a Modular Monolithic architecture might offer the best of both worlds: simplicity and modularity without the operational overhead of microservices.
  • For large-scale, complex applications requiring high scalability and flexibility, Microservices provide a robust solution, allowing independent scaling and development of different parts of the application.
  • For projects where simplicity and cost-effectiveness are paramount, and scalability is not a critical concern, a Layered architecture could be the most straightforward approach.


In the evolving landscape of software development, understanding the trade-offs between different architectural styles is key to selecting the right one for your project. Whether you choose Layered, Microservices, or Modular Monolithic, the decision should align with your project’s goals, team expertise, and operational capabilities. By carefully considering the modularity, cost, scalability, and simplicity of each option, you can lay a solid foundation for a successful application.

Happy Coding 💻

