How I got Sundar Pichai(CEO of Google) to respond to my cold email!

Rushi K. Shah
5 min readApr 18, 2018


I am going to share my email formula and the email of how I got the one of my idols, Sundar Pichai(CEO of Google) to respond to my email and how you could too!

Most of us, if not all, grow up looking at someone whether it’s an athlete, actor, entrepreneur, engineer, inventor, scientist, doctor, artist, chef, and the list can go on. I want to urge you to write to those you look up too today.

Why? Good question. In short, my friend Adi would say “Because why not?” If you aren’t satisfied with that answer here is the longer version, there is a difference between saying I wish I could meet this person versus actually writing to them for a specific reason. Most people I think settle with the former rather than the latter. In the case you choose latter, your perception, admiration, and respect of that individual might change in reality all the while showing you that they are no different than you are. It might even be way for you to realize the traits that you admire rather than the person itself and see if the person is actually even worthy enough to write too.

When they do respond though, it’s a feeling I wish I could describe in words. It’s almost a self-confidence booster and shows that they really are no different than you but just simply are in love with what they do everyday!

Sundar Pichai says “If you don’t fail sometimes, you’re not being ambitious enough” So you’re trying to grow and get on the next level much like all of us, here is a challenge, if you are immersed in music, why not share your personal record with your favorite artist? Why not share your portfolio with you favorite designer? Why not share that pitch deck with the VC? Why not email that entrepreneur the question you’ve wanted to ask for the longest time?

No matter what your background is, what you’re studying, reach out to those CEO’s, artists, singers, athletes, actors, scientists, designers, & make yourself better because you deserve better! You just have to ask. Deep down, you’ll realize that it really isn’t about the money or fame and better yet, you’ll learn something about yourself in the journey, that I can tell you with a guarantee.

I have been blessed to get responses from the likes of
Jeff Bezos(Founder of Amazon),Niko Bonatsos(Managing Director @ General Catalyst), Ron Conway(Founder @ SV Angel), Sachin Rekhi(Founder @ Notejoy), Qasar Younis (Former COO of YCombinator), Henrik Fisker (Legendary Car Designer), George Whitesides (CEO of Virgin Galactic)
Marc Benioff(Founder of Salesforce), Steve Ballmer(Cofounder of Microsoft), & I probably missed a few but the list is continuing to grow! If you know me, you know I am currently in the works of trying to get Elon Musk,Richard Branson, & Steven Spielberg. I remain optimistic that it will happen.

There are 3 key things to keep in mind for creating a email worthy enough of getting a response. Important thing to remember, these people are extremely busy and you’re asking for a human’s most precious resource, time.

  1. Have a genuine reason
    I’ve had a few people ask me, what template do you use that gets you this incredible rate of responses? There is NO template! Each email has to be personalized and customized for your reason. I would recommend try to best relate the email with them, maybe you are from the same hometown, went to the same college, or something that connects the two. A genuine and good-hearted reason often will get responses. Highly recommend against emailing just to connect, find a reason.
  2. Make it a short ask
    Find something unique and make a small request. Questions for advice are always good ones. Maybe you just started a small business, maybe you just need a pointer from someone experienced, or maybe you want to invite them out to an event. Short and sweet gets the job done with enough creativity. P.S. people land internships and meetings with this method a lot of times.
  3. Use the power of being a student
    OK, I cannot emphasize this enough. The power of being a student is so incredible and often overlooked by many. There is something about being young, open-minded, and ambitious. I’ve often got responses saying this email reminded them of a time when they were younger and just as ambitious. If you’re no longer an academic student, worry not. Try to come off as a young soul who is incredibly curious and eager to learn new things.

Authenticity is what you should be going for. More often than not, most of the busy people you might email have personal assistants, so authenticity gives it the magic touch you need to get a response.

Below is the response that I got from Sundar Pichai to my question. Solid advice.

You’re still here? Awesome. As the last part of this blog, I want to share a message that certainly had a massive impact in my life and perhaps could help you put things in perspective. The concept of living unconventionally. That message was from Steve Jobs. I absolutely admired his way of thinking different and pushing others to do so too. I certainly feared being bound by the boundaries that our mind creates about the world we live in.

I can go on for days but this quote by Jobs sums it all up, “ Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.” Seriously, think different.

Do you realize that “the only thing you really have in your life is time”? Just think about that for a second. It’s not the Benz or Yeezy’s for sure. That quote scared the life out of me when I first read it. So don’t be afraid to ask for more, in fact, fear that you won’t take enough from life itself.

One thing I will regret the rest of my life is that I will not be able to meet the one guy that inspired to me to think different. Thank you, Steve. Be sure to check out the 2 videos below.

As always, please reach out if there is anything I can do to help you.

Till next time, keep striving!

